Sep. 30th, 2011


HP fic: He Plays at Hazard, ch. 10: Strike a New Path [Harry/Severus, general]

Title: Strike a New Path
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: general
Length: 1180 words
Warnings: AU; canon-compliant only through Half-Blood Prince
Summary: Severus's decision to return to teaching does not make Harry happy.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 85, "wash". For [info]cruisedirector who asked for Snape. My muse decided to go way, way back and produce a new instalment in a very old unfinished fic, "He Plays at Hazard," and take it in a wholly unexpected direction. I tried hard to make this piece stand alone, however.

Strike a New Path )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-5 / ch. 6 / ch. 7 / ch. 8 / ch. 9 / ch. 10

Mar. 25th, 2009


HP fic: He Plays at Hazard, ch. 9: Shall Reason Prevail [Harry/Severus, adult]

Title: He Plays at Hazard
Chapter 9, Shall Reason Prevail
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: adult
Length: 2903 words
Warnings: AU - compliant to HBP only. Also on the angsty side.
Summary: After Hermione helps them sort out Severus's books, Harry is dismayed by a suggestion his lover makes.
Note: The very-long-delayed next installment in this sequence. Nod to [info]alisanne for helping prod me to finish the edits.

Shall Reason Prevail )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-5 / ch. 6 / ch. 7 / ch. 8 / ch. 9 / ch. 10

Jul. 14th, 2008


HP fic: He Plays at Hazard, ch. 8: Not Time's Fool [Harry/Severus, adult]

Title: He Plays at Hazard
chapter 8, Not Time's Fool
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: adult
Warnings: AU - compliant to HBP only. ~2400 words.
Summary: After talking with Hermione and Ron, Harry's feelings towards Severus are unchanged.
Note: Thanks to [info]dementordelta, whom I finally got to meet in person (hurrah!), for the bunny! The title is from William Shakespeare's Sonnet CXVI, line 9, "Love's not Time's fool."

Not Time's Fool )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-5 / ch. 6 / ch. 7 / ch. 8 / ch. 9 / ch. 10

Mar. 31st, 2008


HP fic: He Plays at Hazard, ch. 7: Extraordinary Rains [Harry/Severus, adult]

Title: He Plays at Hazard
chapter 7, "Extraordinary Rains"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: adult
Warnings: AU -- compliant to HBP only. Rimming. ~4300 words.
Summary: Harry gets a letter, finds a photograph, and tries to give Severus what he needs.
Note: The title is from Plutarch's Life of Caius Marius: "Extraordinary rains pretty generally fall after great battles."

Extraordinary Rains )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-5 / ch. 6 / ch. 7 / ch. 8 / ch. 9 / ch. 10

Feb. 27th, 2008


HP fic: He Plays at Hazard, ch. 6: Battlements on Fire [Harry/Severus, adult]

Title: He Plays at Hazard
chapter 6, "Battlements on Fire"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: adult
Warnings: AU! The "He Plays at Hazard" series is canon-compliant through HBP only. Also, delayed orgasm.
Summary: Harry wants to sleep with Severus, but he'll take what he can get.
Note: This was intended to be a teenyfic for [info]dementordelta; [info]cruisedirector asked for Snarry, prompt "I will if you will." It turned into something rather more substantial and became part of a series I didn't quite expect to return to. The chapter title is from the song "Fortress Around Your Heart" by Sting.

Battlements on Fire )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-5 / ch. 6 / ch. 7 / ch. 8 / ch. 9 / ch. 10

Aug. 8th, 2007


HP fic: He Plays at Hazard, chs. 4-5 [Harry/Severus, adult]

Title: He Plays at Hazard
chapter 4, "Thou My Oblation"; chapter 5, "My Purpose Holds"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: adult
Summary: Sometimes the risk is worth the gain. Harry makes Snape an offer he hopes cannot be refused.

Thou My Oblation

Snape accepts Harry's offering. The title is from Shakespeare's sonnet 125.

Thou My Oblation )

My Purpose Holds

Harry's unsure if Severus wants anyone else to know. The title is from Alfred Tennyson, "Ulysses". Thanks to [info]telperion1 for the beta!

My Purpose Holds )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-5 / ch. 6 / ch. 7 / ch. 8 / ch. 9 / ch. 10


HP fic: He Plays at Hazard, chs. 1-3 [Harry/Severus, general]

Title: He Plays at Hazard
chapter 1, "Laid Bare"; chapter 2, "Something Ventured"; chapter 3, "Hold Fast"
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: general
Summary: Sometimes the risk is worth the gain. Harry makes Snape an offer he hopes cannot be refused.
Note: These three parts were originally written for various prompts in the [info]100quills challenge and are also posted in that series.

Laid Bare

The impending chance of death provokes Harry to speak to Snape in ways he might never have done.

Laid Bare )

Something Ventured

Harry promised to ask again.

Something Ventured )

Hold Fast

Snape needs to be certain Harry means what he says.

Hold Fast )

chs. 1-3 / chs. 4-5 / ch. 6 / ch. 7 / ch. 8 / ch. 9 / ch. 10

June 2018




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