Oct. 8th, 2009


HP fic: Three Is a Magic Number [Draco/Harry/Hermione, adult]

Title: Three Is a Magic Number
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Hermione/OCs, Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Draco/Harry
Rating: adult
Length: 23,543 words (posted in three parts) (9239 this part)
Warnings: BDSM, polyamory, EWE
Summary: Hermione never expected to become a domme, and she certainly never expected it to lead her down this path in life.
Note: Written for the [info]hermionebigbang in 2009. This was inspired by several drabbles and ficlets that I wrote for [info]inell. Many, many thanks to [info]snegurochka_lee for beta-ing; her suggestions have (I hope) much improved the story, and any remaining errors and infelicities are entirely my own responsibility.

Three Is a Magic Number, part 3 )

part 1 | part 2 | part 3


HP fic: Three Is a Magic Number [Draco/Harry/Hermione, adult]

Title: Three Is a Magic Number
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Hermione/OCs, Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Draco/Harry
Rating: adult
Length: 23,543 words (posted in three parts) (6955 this part)
Warnings: BDSM, polyamory, EWE
Summary: Hermione never expected to become a domme, and she certainly never expected it to lead her down this path in life.
Note: Written for the [info]hermionebigbang in 2009. This was inspired by several drabbles and ficlets that I wrote for [info]inell. Many, many thanks to [info]snegurochka_lee for beta-ing; her suggestions have (I hope) much improved the story, and any remaining errors and infelicities are entirely my own responsibility.

Three Is a Magic Number, part 2 )

part 1 | part 2 | part 3


HP fic: Three Is a Magic Number [Draco/Harry/Hermione, adult]

Title: Three Is a Magic Number
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Hermione/OCs, Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Draco/Harry
Rating: adult
Length: 23,543 words (posted in three parts) (7349 this part)
Warnings: BDSM, polyamory, EWE
Summary: Hermione never expected to become a domme, and she certainly never expected it to lead her down this path in life.
Note: Written for the [info]hermionebigbang in 2009. This was inspired by several drabbles and ficlets that I wrote for [info]inell. Many, many thanks to [info]snegurochka_lee for beta-ing; her suggestions have (I hope) much improved the story, and any remaining errors and infelicities are entirely my own responsibility.

Three Is a Magic Number, part 1 )

part 1 | part 2 | part 3

Oct. 15th, 2007


HP fic: Options [Draco/Hermione/Harry, adult]

Title: Options
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Draco/Hermione/Harry
Rating: adult
Warnings: First-time threesome, double penetration, voyeurism, rimming
Summary: When Draco asks what Hermione would like to try to make their sex life better, her answer may not be quite what he expected.
Note: Written for [info]inell for the [info]fall_fantasia exchange.

Options )

June 2018




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