July 23rd, 2011

[info]celandineb in [info]cels_fic_haven

Quill-It table

I'm signed up with [info]quill_it, to write 100 pieces of at least 100 words each, all featuring Harry. I will be using the prompt table 100.3, below. As I write and post I will link each prompt in the table to the appropriate post.

001.Wicked. 002.Laughter. 003.Picture. 004.Wet. 005.Exposed.
006.Day. 007.Tranquil. 008.Conceal. 009.Bound. 010.Precious.
011.Slow. 012.Courage. 013.Sand. 014.Inside. 015.Brown.
016.Hands. 017.Not Enough. 018.Lies. 019.New. 020.Belief.
021.Whimsy. 022.Explosion. 023.Just. 024.Frustrated. 025.Demons.
026.Tea. 027.Beauty. 028.Final. 029.Weakness. 030.Stop.
031.Book. 032.One. 033.False. 034.Present. 035.Sleep.
036.Mine. 037.Heroes. 038.Fright. 039.Double. 040.Hell.
041.Burning. 042.Memory. 043.Sacred. 044.Hope. 045.Ideals.
046.Full. 047.Curious. 048.Reunion. 049.Can’t. 050.Possessive.
051.Fact. 052.Because. 053.Wander. 054.Strain. 055.Wishes.
056.Run. 057.Lightning. 058.Spirit. 059.Birthday. 060.Blue.
061.Months. 062.Forget. 063.Melt. 064.Before. 065.And.
066.Clouds. 067.Spring. 068.Come What May. 069.Quiet. 070.Breaking.
071.Collide. 072.Waste. 073.Nowhere. 074.World. 075.Decision.
076.Night. 077.Sword. 078.Spin. 079.Funeral. 080.While.
081.Shiver. 082.Fury. 083.Simple. 084.Deadly. 085.Wash.
086.Pride. 087.Rhythm. 088.Lonely. 089.Luck. 090.Perfume.
091.Discipline. 092.Late. 093.Borrow. 094.Embrace. 095.Message.
096.Unity. 097.Shelter. 098.Yield. 099.Sordid. 100.Shameless.

[info]celandineb in [info]cels_fic_haven

HP drabble: The Greenhouse [Harry, Neville, general]

Title: The Greenhouse
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Characters: Harry, Neville
Rating: general
Length: 100 words
Summary: After the war, Harry finds Neville's suggestion to be a relief.
Note: For [info]quill_it prompt 69, "quiet".

The Greenhouse )

[info]celandineb in [info]cels_fic_haven

HP drabble: Turn On [Draco/Harry, general]

Title: Turn On
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: general
Length: 100 words
Summary: Just looking at Draco's hands invariably turns Harry on.
Note: For [info]quill_it prompt 16, "hands".

Turn On )

June 2018



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