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Cheshire Crossings

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Posted to the board [04 Sep 2010|11:58pm]

Alright, just asking questions - always asking questions me, never shut up - but out of interest, what was your last memory of what you were doing before they brought you here? Survey of all residents. This is where my psychic paper would really come in handy.
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[19 Aug 2010|05:59pm]

Note shoved under Ruby's door after lunch. )
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[19 Aug 2010|11:09am]

Note left on Dean's bed for 'Michael'. )
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Posted to the board in neat writing [19 Aug 2010|04:48pm]

It has been suggested we do something to make life a little more entertaining for you all. So far we have had suggestions of pizza, music and low-alcohol beer. I have a few questions to ask:

1) When would you like it to take place?
2) What else would you like to see happen at this event? Karaoke? Games? TV?
3) Would anyone like to volunteer to monitor the music for the evening?

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[18 Aug 2010|02:00am]

Note slipped under Sam Winchester's door )
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[16 Aug 2010|04:54am]

Post-it note on Ruby's side of the room )
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[15 Aug 2010|02:33am]

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[12 Aug 2010|12:55am]

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[12 Aug 2010|01:09am]

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[10 Aug 2010|11:50pm]

Notes left for Sam, Jo, Cas, Anna, and Ruby... )
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[06 Aug 2010|09:21pm]

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[06 Aug 2010|10:04pm]

Tacked to the very top of the board. )
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[03 Aug 2010|11:37pm]

Taped slightly off center. Written in heavy ink, but with a precise hand )
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tacked to the center of the board with a look of importance. [02 Aug 2010|03:39pm]

written on a crisp clean piece of white paper. )
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[01 Aug 2010|06:43pm]

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[28 Jul 2010|03:50pm]

taped to the board and written in painstakingly neat writing. )
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[28 Jul 2010|03:40pm]

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tacked to the board. [28 Jul 2010|03:35pm]

Written on a large piece of blue construction paper and tacked towards the top of the board. A chair is resting against the wall right under the paper because Lilo couldn't reach high enough to actually get it at NORMAL eye level. )
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[25 Jul 2010|04:14am]

I want a Chess Board. That can't be against your pointless little rules now can it.  Come on. I've done the painting pictures thing
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[25 Jul 2010|12:02am]

Great. So I've lost my Billy and I've lost most of my crew and to top it all off, I can't do up my favorite pants. How can I be gaining weight when they're not letting me eat in here???!!! Oh yeah, that's it, I'VE STOPPED DANCING because I'm MISERABLE!!! I HATE it in here, I HATE it and I miss KERMIT!! Give me KERMIT!!!
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