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September 22nd, 2008

Ima Dork

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I just though that this was fantastic, that I just get on to check things and I happen to correspond with this happening.

So I am sharing with all of you, because I just think it's that darn cool.

Behold the power of... )

August 31st, 2008

Owl Icons

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Ashe requested some owl icons for [info]causatum_rpg;, so I've made several. Feel free to use them! Comments are love, and crediting is always the polite thing to do! (Credit [info]delayedpoet)

Owls, owls, and more owls










August 18th, 2008

Thead Completed!

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Hey guys! I just wanted to drop a line, since it's been so long and such, that Kat and I finished the Kalev and Verity thread after she's attacked by her landlord, in case anyone was following along.

Cut for spoilers )

June 14th, 2008

Random Boreness

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Remind me to never let my muggle out of her own head again, else she does things like this.

She liked it don't let her fool you! )

May 20th, 2008

Wonderful Thread

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I just wanted to point out the fabulous fight going on between Westley and Jillian HERE. It has me laughing and enjoying it quite thoroughly!!

Though Kat is holding a funeral for the poor, dead, drunk fishes ;)

May 3rd, 2008


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Okay people- let's be honest Charlie and Cassie's Wedding is a must read. This thread has it all- from amazing logic to awesome facial hair!

Good work Becca and Kat for bringing tears to my eyes!

March 12th, 2008


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Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long, but I finally got around to doing the color-bars.

Follow the white rabbit )

March 8th, 2008


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I just want to say that I'm really enjoying this game so far. Everyone is friendly and welcoming, and I'm loving reading everyone else's threads!

So, who wants to play then? I'm busy at work right now and my online time is sort of sporadic, but I can still tag in threads and what not! I really would like to get Harry out and about. Maybe he'll start up an interrum quidditch league while the professional one is off. Hmmm...
Anyway! We can be reached on AIM at CAGEDbyFREEDOM or on yahoo at seekhpotter

Hope to play with lots of people soon!

February 26th, 2008

Veritaserum: Game 1

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The game of chance and OOC Knowledge!

For those not in the chat during the great boredom debacle, this is a game of questions. We sill soon be following by forcing one of our lovely characters to drink the Veritaserum which will last for exactly 30 questions. During this spout all characters AND muggles are allowed to ask the character-in-question whatever question they desire; in response the character will respond with 100% honesty.

Once the game as ended all knowledge learned will continue to stay OOC, of course, but do not let that damper your enthusiasm! Fun times can be played by all! Vague answers are not allowed! Only the truth shall rein!!

Questions, ask a mod (or Kat).

And the 'winner' is.... )

February 25th, 2008


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First of all- I want to say that I am so squeeful about everyones characters and threads. *HUGS ALL*

I'm writing to say that I spent waaay too much time in photoshop yesterday. Which is a good thing considering I haven't felt inspired in ages. Kat and I kept joking about these slogans that seem to pop up around Charlie which led me to making a couple of things...


ALSO! I started making some color bars for character torture. Let me know if you want one!!

Colorbars )

Verity/Charlie Crush

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Hello there, I am a new IJ user, but have been reading Causatum lately. I would like to just say bravo to the incredibly fun Verity/Charlie chemistry...seriously. So fun and unexpected and I can't wait to read what other fun/incredibly awkward/chemistry-ridden situations they will find themselves in :)

Oh and also, I LOVE the Daily Prophet fun.

February 21st, 2008

Fangirling 101

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Ok, honestly guys (actually- we're all girls so far, aren't we?) have you been reading Harry/Romilda? This is freaking amazing. I can't wait to see what comes of it. I fear for Harry, I honestly do, Romilda is a piece of work.

Go check it out if you haven't already, really. Go. Like now... Why are you still reading this?

Anyway, props to Echo and Fara for some great writing! Keep it up!

February 9th, 2008

Georgie and Ver

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Can I just let you all know that I am totally fangirling the George/Verity stuff? They are much to cute for words, and the 20 questions game is CRACKING ME UP. I mean, I have some boys in my head that are rather cranky at the whole situation, but I am telling them to bugger off, because the CUTE is just *squee*! :D
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