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Posts Tagged: '%7Ejeremy+gilbert'

Nov. 17th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Anna and Jeremy Gilbert
What: Anna finding Jeremy after finding out that Elena's been sent home.
Where: The trailer.
When: Backdated to Saturday night.
Rating: Low probably.
Status: Ongoing/Incomplete.

Appropriate song lyrics go here. )

Oct. 27th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Anna, Jeremy Gilbert, Stefan and Damon Salvatore
What: Plotting.
Where: Anna's trailer.
When: Saturday night.
Rating: Probably low.
Status: In Progress/Closed.


Oct. 5th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Jeremy and Elena
Where: Carnival grounds and then wherever
When: Today
What: Reunited and it feels so good?
Warnings: Probably not.
Status: Closed...?

It's a cruel, cruel world for good boys and girls )

Sep. 16th, 2013



[Conversation: Open to all. Multiple Responses and Threadjacking Welcomed!]

[The wind outside was howling. It had been a long time since she'd seen a dust storm, let alone been caught out in one. Of course being inside her trailer protected her and the others from the worst of it. Still, Anna could feel it in her lungs and throat, and frankly there wasn't much she wouldn't have done for some damned bottled water right about now. She knew she has an advantage over most, though. The dust wouldn't do too much damage to her lungs. She was much more concerned with the harm it could do to someone like Jeremy. She watched him with worried eyes, though she remained silent for the time being.

Then she shifted her gaze to the others. At least dust storms tended to blow over quickly enough. She was patient enough when she had to be, but she was looking forward to moving on, and hopeful that the next town would be a little bigger. That it might be a little easier to find supplies and things they needed.]

Sep. 4th, 2013



[No Subject]

Who: Anna and Open Jeremy Gilbert.
What: Searching for sustenance. And by that I mean blood. And realizing she's stalking her ex-boyfriend. Oops.
Where: Leaving the carnival for the night.
When: Wednesday night.
Rating: TBD.
Status: Closed/Ongoing

Identity was partly heritage, partly upbringing, but mostly the choices you make in life. )