September 2009



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Sep. 18th, 2009


I may have a problem getting online for a while. The connection I've been stealing has been working relatively fine (with the exception of dying a lot) over the last month or so since we lost our own connection, but yesterday it started having more problems connecting. Now it's not being recognized at all (or wasn't when I left home about 8:30 this morning). If it's working when I get home I'll delete this post and repost the intro from Marlene. If it's not, then I'll be around when I can. (Likely daily except Sunday for about an hour and once a week from grandma's (either Tuesday or Wednesday every week) for however much I can be on.) If nothing else, I can do tags from grandma's and copy them from here to work on at home. I'll be around as much as possible though. I may be able to reply to journals/write journals while at the library depending on time, but as for writing tags it takes me a little too long for an hour limit.

I apologize to anyone this inconveniences and I will hopefully have this resolved soon.

We have a Georgina app. I'll read it as soon as I can but unless by some miracle I can get ahold of Erin while internetless we'll probably judge just by that one.

Aug. 31st, 2009



I'm in Colorado, but not actually home yet (staying the night at my grandma's house). I'm really, really exhausted, so I plan to kinda relax and take it slow tonight, maybe do some tagging but minimal and basically only the easiest stuff cause my brain is basically dead.

The wedding was surprisingly nice, but still not terribly exciting. The best part of the wedding was my 1 year old cousin (the flower girl) spiking the rose she carried once she got to the front. It was pretty cute. Other than that... yeah not much.

I'm still planning on spending tomorrow and Wednesday catching up on owed tags, going through very very recent journals and posting only if my characters demanding it. I won't start new threads until probably Thursday but if anyone (in games that have students returning to Hogwarts) wants a returning to school thread of sorts, let me know and we can work something out for tomorrow.

Journals for all of my characters will still be done either Thursday or Friday.

And I think that's it. I'm around tonight for chatting or light plotting... tomorrow I'm not sure when I'll be home but I'll be around from grandma's some then at home later on and can do heavier plotting because hopefully I'll have rested better in an actual bed and all.

I've missed everyone and am really glad to be (almost) back.

Butter will be opening tomorrow as planned. Tomorrow is the 1st, though not the 31st. I got my dates mixed up last week, so we're starting in September, not August.

Aug. 26th, 2009


This is my last mod post before my hiatus and there are a few things I'd like to address:

First off, you all have invites to a new community. [info]beforebutter is our backstory community and was created due to the mods (and our potential Rufus player's) desire to have a place to play backstory. It is open to anyone who wants to play out anything that happened before the opening of Butter (which I will get to in a moment) this is anything from the 1980s to the day before it opens. Best of all? Play in butter is allowed before we actually open. Thread formatting and tagging will be the same in this community, though it doesn't adhere directly to game canon.

Second, we have a Lily and a Nate now, though they're not in the friending button yet, so Amanda will let you know when you can add them. We will likely have a Rufus before my return (I've rped with this person's Rufus before so I'm pre-approving the application.)

Third, having a Nate means that Butter officially opens with my return on Tuesday! So please make sure your characters are ready to begin that day.


Please run your friend button, we have a Jenny!

With one mod going on hiatus and not coming back until September (August 31 really but since I won't actually be around that day, September) we may have to have them just starting school when we do open as opposed to finishing their summers first. We'll let you know once we've actually figured it out.

Aug. 25th, 2009


This would be the official hiatus notice. I posted a warning last week that there was a chance of it, but now it's definite.

I'm cross-posting this to all communities, so if the mods of any given comm want me to speak to them directly about the hiatus, let me know. As I'm not actually leaving until Friday this gives a couple-ish days for me to get things in order.

As of this moment, I am caught up in all games. I won't be doing new threads (except ones already scheduled--see below) or journals until I get back as I won't be around to answer them anyway.

My plan is this:

Under Cut )

The following threads are already planned for this week/weekend and will go on as such, anything else will have to wait until I get back.

Threads )

And finally, the people in charge of my games while I'm gone.

Temp Mods )

Finally, the people who can reach me (texting is extremely limited, as I'm not supposed to be using it all, however I would like people to be able to reach me if necessary):

* Aine
* Kassi
* Amanda

Aug. 21st, 2009



Yes, tags.

I have put tags up in all of the communities, so when game play starts and you begin using the communities, please be aware of what tags will need to be used.

[info]butterooc - Since this community will be used first for anything from introductions to general plotting or whatever else that is ooc, this is the one I'll list first.

Player Tags: are just the first name or alias (unless we get two people with the same name then we'll work out something. Anytime you make a post please use your tag, if your post involves someone else or their character, use theirs as well.

Character Tags: If you have a post about a specific character or two of yours, please use their name tags (chuck bass, for example). Once again if it involves someone else's character, tag theirs as well.

Other Tags: I'll probably add tags as we go, but we also have the following:

introduction, hiatus, threads, plotting

Use any of these that would apply to your post. For the mods, there's also mod post.

[info]butterrpg - The roleplay/threading community.

Character Tags: Tag all characters involved. If you're joining your character in an open thread, please include them as well.

Date Tags: This one isn't up yet, but we will have tags by months, once we figure out when we're actually open, I'll add the first month's tag.

* august 2009

is an example

Status Tags: These tags basically show the progress of a thread. If it's complete use !complete, if it's incomplete but no more replying is happening, use !abandoned.

I will also go through one month after opening and label all threads that haven't been replied to in a couple of weeks as abandoned. I will then repeat this every week. When I do, I will make a post in the ooc community with a link to the !abandoned tags, if there is an error, feel free to let me know so I can remove the tag or switch it to complete. If there isn't an error but the status says the thread is still incomplete, please change the status.

[info]buttercomm The Communication Community. This community will have the same tags as the rpg except for the status tags. They will also have the following:

Communication Tags: These are simply the form of communication that the thread takes (text, instant message, email, letter, etc) and are prefixed with a -

- text
- instant message
- email
- letter

If you think other forms of contact should be included, do let me know. There will be more on the formatting for the communication community later.

[info]buttergossip The Gossip Community. These tags are mostly for the mods as we will be posting Gossip Girl's blogs, but to let you know what they are.

Character Tags: Same as the other communities. These will be included in the tags if a person is mentioned in the post so that people can easily refer back to their character's gossip.

This community will also have date tags, the same as the other communities.

If you have any other questions on tagging or feel any other tags should be added, feel free to let me know.