26th Jul, 2015



Shinigami (死神) - Death Spirit

Name: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown

Personal History: Unknown

Alignment: Unknown

Abilities: The Shinigami is able to evoke or diminish suicidal feelings in an individual. The strength to resist The Shinigami's influence depends on the individual.

They are also able to enter a trance state, and see the deaths that an invidivual has witnessed, or that have occurred within a specific space, e.g. a room. If the death has occurred within a lunar month, they are able to ask the deceased three questions.

Weakness: When The Shinigami use their ablities to see the dead, they share the physical sensations that the deceased felt at the moment of their death. The more severe the physical sensations, the more time the Shinigami needs to recover.


If you would like to put in an application for The Shinigami, and you have read the RULES, please leave your name and email address in a screened comment below.