Jun. 19th, 2008


This is the part that's less fun, but I just want to go over things so that nobody can say that they weren't informed. Which also means that everybody should read this. 

Rules and Guidelines

Post any story you want, as long as Buffy is somehow relevant to the story. She doesn't even have to be alive; you could write about Tara and Willow trying to figure out how to bring her back. Another good substitute is Buffybot. 

I'm not going to edit anyone's fic.* If you have a million spelling and grammar errors, it's completely on you. However, if someone else decides to tell you to clean up your fic, don't throw a tantrum. Either do it, or don't. I'm not concerned. 
Unless, of course, the argument escalates. I've noticed something about internet arguments. The longer they go on, the further back the people involved will regress in maturity. Don't act like you're six. Six year olds shouldn't be reading smut. I'll have to ban you and send you home with a note for your mommy. 

One more thing: if you don't like a certain pairing that someone else has written, don't decide to read it and leave a comment about how much it sucks. It's a hard concept for some people, so I have to mention it here. 

*There's an exception to this. I still won't edit your fic, but if it's so atrocious that pigeons wouldn't poop on it, I'm going to add a special tag to it, labeling it as badfic. This will apply to people who can't follow their own storyline. I once explained some fic rules to someone, and she acknowledged everything I said, then completely ignored it. I banned her. I'm hoping not to have to ban anyone here. 


There's going to be a challenge each month. Information will be posted on the first, and you'll have until the last day of the month to get your story completed. 
See what I did there? I'm not a fan of quantity over quality, and challenges are going to have a different set of rules than any other fic you post here. If you write something ridiculous, and that includes bad spelling and grammar, you won't be allowed to participate in a challenge until you clean up the submission and make it pretty. 


I'm not looking for a long list of things that you have to post with each fic. This works for me: 


Everything else should be posted as a tag.

August 2008


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