July 6th, 2008

[info]solvei in [info]btstakethree

Is it Big Foots or Big Feet?

After spending a couple of hours in the canoe, at least an hour longer than we had to because we had to stop to play. I'm really not complaining about that part. We went down a very small water fall that I'm sure we're going to have to carry the canoe up it if we intend to take it back. Not that will be that hard, just slippery. We walked side by side for about a mile or so. Every time I started to say something Dean shushed me. I figured that we were getting pretty close to where Big Foot lived so he wanted me to be quiet. How was I supposed to know that Big Foot was scared off by the sound of someone's voice?

We made it to the edge of a gully and it was dense and thick with trees and plants. Good thing that I was wearing the right shoes. Otherwise I would've probably fallen to my death. The walk down was steep and I kept following Dean. Once we got to the bottom I took his hand in mine and got him to look at me. Since I wasn't going to talk and possibly spook whatever it was that lived down here. 'Cause I wanted to see Big Foot and plus after coming all of this way I really didn't want Dean to be pissed because I jeopardized that. I gave him a look like 'now what' and he just put a finger to his lips.

He led us over to underneath a very large tree and crouched down low to the ground. He reached into his back pack and started throwing m&ms on the ground. Giving him a look of disbelief he gave me a grin. I felt like we were stuck in ET only this time we weren't trying to lure an alien it was a sasquatch and of course it was a different kind of candy. Sitting down on the ground a twig broke underneath my butt making a snapping noise. Dean took in a deep annoyed breath.

Then, it was almost like the twig had set off an alarm of some sort because big daddy Big Foot came crashing through the brush. My mouth got wide staring at the eight foot tall hairy beast. All I could do was stare. He was looking straight at me and I couldn't even move. Then he looked down on the ground and started to gather up the m&ms that Dean had thrown on the ground. I was fully expecting this thing to come charging after us but after he had picked up the candy he was off again.

I started to crack up and I held my mouth with my hands over it trying to not make that much noise. Since we had actually seen the Big Foot now I wasn't too worried about it. "That was awesome."

July 2008

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