bridge command ; out of character's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
bridge command ; out of character

space, the final frontier. these are the voyages of the starship endeavour. its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.
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we suck but we love you? [Thu Jul 2009 @ 8:56pm]

So, obviously, RL is kicking all of us in the ass! But we refuse to give up on this game, so the longer you stick with us, the more motivated we are. We really appreciate those of you who've been patient waiting for things to move along - things get slow when we plan things and people don't show up for the action. We tend not to mind things dragging along if people are willing to stick around and wait for people to post. LIke I said, we all have real lives, this is a game, we want to have fun as much as you do, and we can only have fun with dedicated writers! We've been active a month - slow but active! - so let's be proud of that. Pimp around a little bit, throw something up in pbads every once in a while. Lets keep our cast full.

As you can see, the second away team has been deployed, the team has been changed around a little bit since the first posting, so Kuyavar is up, as ell as Brooklyn. Hopefully we can wrap this plot up soon, as we have lots of stuff planned, and we want to share the action with you guys. People not on the mission, keep sceneing! Greg! I will post with Eden as soon as I know I'm not going to pass out, and maybe I'll post a scene with Zeek for someone else still on the ship.

Again, thanks to all of you for being super awesome and patient. If things come up for you guys, let us know, if you can. Keeping us updated as best as possible keeps the game rolling smoothly! If you have any questions, comments, plot ideas, anything, leave us a note in the drop box!
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[Wed Jul 2009 @ 4:16am]

All right. The dork that I am, I decided to go through everyone's profiles and make a list of years that people went to the Academy so that we'd have an easier time figuring out possible class/association overlaps. I am very impressed with how consistent everyone has been able to keep rank vs. experience.

Starfleet Academy Dates )

Some of the dates were my own assumptions based on mathematics. So if they're wrong, feel free to say so. And the enlisted personnel/civilians are not on this list for...well, obvious reasons.

This also rather badly makes me want to app someone older.
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[Tue Jul 2009 @ 11:10am]

Hello Everyone!  I'm Sarah and am glad to be starting the game!  I am somewhat new to threading RPGs but I think it looks like a lot of fun :)

My character is Brooklyn Marion Wilkes, a recent graduate of the Starfleet Academy in 2257 with dual majors in Combat/Defense Tactics as well as Security Systems Management.   On the USS Endeavor, she is an ensign in the security personnel department and helps maintain the safety of the crew!

Just a short summary of the biography-- which you can read in full:
Brooklyn's father recently died of a heart attack while she was in the Academy.  But, her desire to help others ultimately prevailed and  after graduating from the Starfleet Academy with dual degrees in combat and intelligence, Brooklyn had a six-month co-op with the U.S.S.  Wingard where she specialized as an analyst in a security office. Somewhat of a brave and occasionally adventurous personna, Brooklyn earned her blackbelt in karate and is familiar with many defense tactics as well as general security management knowledge.  She is curious about exploration to new locations.

So I am looking forward to threading with you all-- always open to potential ideas. :)
010 post comment

Good afternoon, this is your Captain speaking. [Thu Jul 2009 @ 2:38pm]

Filling the post as your beloved Captain is Jack Spencer, a 56 year old, Viggo Mortensen PB'd, somewhat hardcore and "grumpy old man" type of Captain. The son of one of a Director of Starfleet Academy, Jack joined the "human-supremacist", Terra Prime, mostly as a joke as a teenager, and had no interest in joining Starfleet until he met his future wife, T'Vana. She was the Klingon ambassador and they had two children together. Jack has been in Starfleet since 2220 and has been in a command position for 24 years. He served in the Kelvin but he left his post before it blew up, lucky break there, Jack, and first captained a ship titled, the USS Defiant, aboard which he saw the murder of his family by a Klingon warbird. His experience has mostly been in combat and diplomatic missions with Klingons and applies a diplomacy before war ethic, but nevertheless requires that all hands are ready for battle at all times. Also, he was the reason the Endeavour is searching for a new Vulcan home planet rather than conducting diplomatic missions with the Romulans.

As a Captain, Jack is not the kindest nor the most generous of all commanding officers. Crew members notably don't love him, like him, nor do they hate him. The idea is that he's respected enough among them for his credentials and the way he commands the star ship that despite the fact that the crew doesn't revere him, they respect him enough to do as he says. Most of the dislike isn't really for any abuses of power on his part, but rather, a refusal to allow any crew member, regardless of rank to get to know him. He isn't the most social, and is very rarely seen discussing matters of non relevance to the mission of the ship. However, he relies greatly on his crew for feedback and suggestions and gives his crew many opportunities to explore their own rights and capabilities. It's clear he has deep respect and trust in the commanding officers and takes any input into great consideration. However, he has no patience for any disobedience, dissent or any grumblings about his final orders, and any and all are swiftly punished with a trip to the brig and appropriate "disciplinary measures".

Hopefully that works as your captain.

Anyway. I'm Rei and you can find me at paddyleckiwhack for plotting purposes. I'm always ready to scene and I'm eager to jump in. Also, a couple of you have responded to previous posts on ~pbads. I apologize if I haven't gotten back to you and please do comment again. Posts just tend to get lost in that place. Oh and as I see since its common to talk about your fanship of Star Trek, let's just say my family has been watching Star Trek obsessively since the sixties. Legend goes my big brother has pointy ears because my mother was in love with Spock, and years and years later, the family settled on naming the first grandchild in the family Jean-Luc after Picard. I on the other hand, tended to ignore that love for a while, but I have seen enough episodes of Voyager and TNG to have a good grasp.
04 post comment

[Tue Jun 2009 @ 12:26am]

Hello all!

As you may have noticed, we unfortunately have lost our first player, but on the same day, we've gained a new one, so please update your f-lists. And on that note, we're going to have to keep with the srs bsns tone we don't really like to use. Our little game is coming to it's three week mark since opening, which means it's time for an activity check!

While the vast majority of you guys have been awesome to play with so far, we're trying our best to keep this game alive and kicking and ~exciting~, so we're hoping you want the same thing, too. That being said, the only way to keep us moving forward is to have people post ICly. The following is a list of those who have not actively participated in any threads since our opening:


All of those listed have until the end of the week, Friday, July 3rd, to comment any thread or post a narrative/log in [info]ussendeavour, or your character will be subject to removal. If you are on hiatus and have not informed us, please let us know your status/availability by dropping us a note! Those who are not listed -- keep on going, we love what's been written so far. However, we may do another activity check next week.

For those on board the ship, a prompt has been created by us here, so those in sickbay/engineering definitely have something to deal with, but word of what happened has definitely spread across all departments of the ship. Additionally, there is another open thread here, and things are starting to heat up with the away team, so keep your eyes peeled for the second half of the mission to be posted sometime this week!

Thanks again for your cooperation and awesome writing. We ♥ you guys and have a lot more lined up for the future, so here's to hoping we get there! 8D
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[Mon Jun 2009 @ 1:48pm]

Hi everyone. I'm sorry I've been inactive the last few days, I've been super busy with a family reunion. Most of my family from out of town is gone now, some are staying a whole month. That normally wouldn't be a problem, but I'm having some difficulty connecting with Alice and the game. Add to that the additional stress/chaos of having guests and the drastic cut on the amount of free time that I'm going to have for the next few weeks. I'm worried I won't be able to write regularly enough to do the game justice so I've decided it would be best to withdraw.

I had fun with the couple of threads I participated in and I wish I'd gotten the chance to play with more of you. Good luck with the game!
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[Thu Jun 2009 @ 10:49pm]

Uh lol, i had this written up earlier, but there was a fire and gas leak at work and i was forced out of the building, etc etc, but i'm getting to it now!

This is Ashley again, and I have my second character here, Zechariah Kingston, better known as Zeek. He's an engineering tech, specializing in electrical engineering and computer systems. He's a pretty to himself kind of guy. He's spent most of his career on space stations, the Endeavour is his first time being stationed on a ship. His wife is also on board, she's a nurse, and I think I'm way too tired and stressed to think of anything else. Really, you can read all about him in his profile.

022 post comment

[Thu Jun 2009 @ 11:25am]

So, I meant to post this earlier this morning, but apparently today is the day for major crises at work. YAYAYAYAY! Anyway.

As you see, we have two new players. Our first officer (finally!), and our deputy communications officer. And then a second character on the engineering team. If you haven't, make sure to go run the friends button, or manually add them to your friends list.

The mission's going a little slower than we planned for, we apologize for that. Right now, we're going to say that the game is paused at week one, around stardate 2258.170. Since the mission's going to get all kinds of complicated, we're going to say that any threads that happen (oh look, there are not one, but two open threads waiting for some action) will take place anywhere between stardate 2258.167-170.

Also, because some interest was shown, we've decided to go ahead and post prompts. They will be tied in to the events/conditions/etc surrounding whatever mission they're on at the moment. It isn't mandatory for your characters to react to the prompt, in fact, we encourage everyone to come up with their own subplots for the sake of character development.

That said - and once again - there are two open threads unrelated to the mission waiting for replies, and there are a number of you we haven't seen activity from. RL is definitely more important than the game, we are well aware of that since we tend to get rather busy ourselves, which is why we tend to be understanding about it. We're just anxious, is all, and want to see a little more activity.

The supplemental prompt for this mission will be posted asap! That's all for now :]
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[Thu Jun 2009 @ 12:12am]

Hey, there! My name is Kaye. I'm 19 years old. I'm a fan of Star Trek: Voyager and have seen every episode. I watch Star Trek: Next Gen and Star Trek: Enterprise as well, and I find them to be pretty fun. So, as you can see, my timeline's a little off. I haven't even seen the new movie yet (I know, I know, blasphemy!) but my eyes are glued to the wiki to make sure that I don't say anything.

This is Tameris Lok'nah. She goes by Tammy. She has two sons aboard the USS Endeavour. She is a Risian and was born on Risa. Her husband and father of her children died a few years ago, and now she's a single mother, and she figures that pretty much makes her qualified to be First Officer, which she is. This is her first post as First Officer, but before that, she had been Chief Communications Officer on every ship that she served on. She knows many, many languages, including the lesser known Risian for obvious reasons. For that reason, she'll probably be double checking the Chief Communication Officer's work all the time; at least until she knows she can trust her.

Her sons are 13 yr old Matteru (Matti) and 9 yr old Charliam (Charli). They're both aboard the USS Endeavour (and I'll have pictures up soon). So, if any of you love kids, there's two for ya'll to mess with. For the past week, Tammy has probably been showing off as though she's a hardass. Work, work, work. But now that a week's gone by and she hopes that her reputation has been created, she'll only be a hardass sometimes. Mostly, she's just a brash opinionated Risian.

You can contact me at JabberwockyHakke or or right here. I love plotting, chatting, anything. Let me know what you've got.
018 post comment

[Thu Jun 2009 @ 12:48am]

Hi Everyone! I'm Rick and I was just accepted to the game. Needless to say i'm very excited and can't wait to start threading with all of you. I bring you Ensign Benjamin "Ben" Sheldon. He is the Deputy Communications Officer, which means that he will pretty much be taking over the comm console when Lt. Harari is on an away team. He's never been assigned to a specific starship before, for the past few years since he's graduated from the academy he's been assigned to Earth spacedock. While he was stationed there he pretty much fixed and upgraded the communication consoles and arrays of the ships that were docked there. His father was an engineer for the USS Freedom, but they fell under attack and he was injured. Now, his father is an instructor at the academy.

Ben takes his job seriously, and he has a natural affinity for machines and tech equipment. He loves to tinker and jury-rig things, which could pose an interesting situation if he feels that he could "modify" something on the Endeavor to make it better. Though because of his upbringing he would never do it without permission from his CO.

Alright, i'm rambling a bit too much and it's pretty late haha. I would just like to say i'm really looking forward to threading with everyone and if anybody has any plot ideas for this guy, please don't hesitate to throw them at me! I'd love to read some ideas when I wake up before heading off to work! Goodnight all...glad to be aboard!
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