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supernatural things have always gone bump in the night, lurking in the shadows behind our back and sleeping under our beds. they're the eyes that watch you from the crack of your closet door, and wailing screams that we hear in the middle of the night.
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[07.23.14 at 3:10a]

Hi, there everybody! My name is Beth. I'm currently holding Holliday Grainger as a human and I wanted to know which would be more welcome in the game:

A.) An actual damsel-in-distress type from a neighboring village seeking sanctuary in the Foresters' castle who has no idea she has jumped from the frying pan and into the fire but might potentially lead and/or support a charge by humans to assert/protect themselves from all the sorcerers/vampires wreaking havoc in the future


B.) A con artist playing at being a damsel-in-distress type from a neighboring village seeking sanctuary in the Foresters' castle whose motives are flexible as she is completely out for herself and whatever she can get

All feedback/ideas/comments/whatever welcome!

Edit/Added: I've decided to go with the genuine damsel option (with the potential to grow into a human resistance person within the town in the future once she gets a little genre-savvy) and I'm working on her bio now. But if anyone could answer before I apply-- FORESTERS, would the newly turned vampire family welcome a landowner/sheriff's daughter as a ward after she has fled from a siege of her home in a neighboring village? (To sweeten the pot: as the sole survivor from her family, the claim of inheritance on the land would be part of her dowry and her guardians would have the right take back the land immediately and hold onto the profits for her until she can be married off.) Or should I plan on insinuating her into the town of Graeyen?
read 7 post

[07.09.14 at 5:32p]

Hai guys its Heather (again) with my second and subsequently last character, an unnamed Emilia Clarke sorcerer. Why am I making a post about her when she barely has any information let alone a name? Well that's where you come in! I was wondering if anyone needs a sorcerer for any kind of plot before I begin creating her. I was thinking she could have been the main one to curse the Baron and his family but that doesn't have to be set in stone. Also I was toying with the idea of making her a necromancer but idk how that would gel here.

So if you need something let me know, I will start working on in the the next day or so but I thought I'd throw this up to get some ideas going. <3
read 7 post

[07.08.14 at 1:54a]

Hello. My name's Bailey and I just held a place for one of the Baron's sons. I don't have a name for him yet but I do have some ideas! I'm really interested in this premise and everyone's characters are shaping up really interestingly. :)

Age-wise I was thinking early 20's, but I don't know how that best jibes with the current age ranges and family structure so suggestions are definitely welcomed there, or anywhere else really. I see Eitri is 25 and Katherina is 21 so there's room for someone in between if you guys are amenable?

Personality-wise I see him as being quite gregarious. Friendly, playful, easy to talk to, but maybe sort of arrogant and lazy with a touch of temper. I get the feeling he's around that time in life where he thinks he's right about almost everything and hasn't had quite enough hard knocks to clue him into the fact that isn't true. He might be a bit of a jerk sometimes, but he means well overall and will usually apologize once he realizes he's done wrong by someone.

I was thinking perhaps of having him be learning to become a sorcerer and perhaps apprenticing under Osmund before everything went tits up? I think he'd be frustrated, angry, and bitter about the whole thing even if he logically somewhere in his mind knows why his father chose to follow the king's orders.

Edited to add: I'm thinking of the name Oliver for him.

EDIT 2: He's apped! I incorporated a lot of what we chatted about here. Please let me know if anyone has any questions about anything or wants to hash out details about our character relationships and such.
read 19 post

[07.08.14 at 1:16p]

Hi guys. I'm Kaitlyn, and I thought I'd re-do this guys intro/lines post since my previous one was fairly vague. His PB is Aidan Turner, and I'm using the face of Kili. Anything medieval is the way to my heart, and I couldn't think of a better face for a medieval Vampire C:

This is Eitri Forester, and he's the Barons eldest son at twenty-five years old. Prior to becoming a Vampire, Eitri had been an avid lover of the wilds, loved camping and getting up early to go hunting, going for long horseback rides and fishing. Just loved living the quiet life, even though he was well off. He's always been cheeky, audacious and a bit reckless/wild except for when it came to girls/women. Eitri has never been good at courting, and often flustered quite a bit when it came to courting or expressing any kind of interest in someone, so even at twenty-five, I don't see him as the type with anyone (unless he was betrothed of course). Now that he's a vampire? I'm not sure what he'll be like. I think maybe a lot more outgoing, and maybe a bit angry because he can't be in the sun anymore, and can't go hunting like normal. I also think he loathes and loves the desire to feed and for blood, but it can't be changed now.

I'd love some lines for him? I can go either slash or het, I don't mind but the slash side would probably be a lot more secretive (for obvious reasons) but yeah! Anything anyone wants with him, I'm happy. I apologize for not applying him yet. I've been really sick, but he should be applied tonight :)
read 9 post

[07.02.14 at 11:24p]

Hi everyone, :) finally throwing this up so I can finish setting up Faye's family/town connections. I am bringing in the youngest child of the Baron and Baroness, her name is Fayetta Forester and she just turned seventeen. She is basically the quiet book worm-y one who is a lot more grounded and level headed then she probably ought to be. AKA the opposite of my original idea. When she isn't studying the old religions she's in the gardens or riding her horse, Artemis.

Like mommy dearest Fayetta is also a seer albeit on a lesser level and her visions have been dormant for two years. Although I have a feeling that's about to change. I need all kinds of lines for her. She's betrothed to someone I imagine is prob a d-bag but being the good-daughter she is this will (probably) not pose too much of a problem.

I have some of her family lines figured out but I would love to talk to everyone I haven't had a chance to yet. I sort of only have my iPhone right now since I fried my laptop cord but I am usually around to plot. I also have aim, I can message you there if it's easier.

I should go to bed now but looking forward to plotting/threading with you guys! :D
read 14 post

[07.03.14 at 12:28a]

before i knock the hell out since i'm supposed to be sleeping but i'm in the process of moving (really ramble-y sentence) so i apologize for the scatterbrained-ness. anyway, this is eleanor or elle by some. i was thinking of changing her pb since the eldest child is a girl and happens to look younger than gemma here so it wouldn't make too much sense…i also was thinking of making her a bastard child. basically the dad slept with someone and out pops eleanor (if that's ok with dad!). mom dies during childbirth but she doesn't help but tell someone to deliver the child to the baron. i don't know what the family dynamics are but she's basically the always nice one but happens to be caught up in something she reallllly had no part in and no one likes to talk about her heritage.

i'm also bringing in a sorcerer character with bridget regan as her face. i still need to find a journal for her… anyway, for her, i was thinking she's vengeful because her whole family was massacred, even after they begged and groveled for their lives. my girl (didn't decide on her name yet), ran off while she still had her head but ends up coming back to town all pissy and decides to team up with the others to curse the family. i was thinking she came from a strong line of magic users, until she was the only one left. (i totally didn't steal that idea from lots.)

btw, i know how to use proper capitalization and whatnot, i'm just lazy and tired to use them. (i was painting and setting up my bed frame in my new room.)
read 24 post

[07.02.14 at 12:20p]

Kris back again this time with a slightly surly metal smith by the name of Xavian Windling. He is a sorceror and his main shtick is enchanting and weaving spells into things and wards. He is the boss at making talismans and all that. He was very against the curse and was pretty vocal about his disproval. He thought it was dumb to curse people with imortality so they had an eternity to get revenge. He also made note that if they were cursed to drink blood just where did everyone think they were going to get it from. Xavian has a habit of sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.

I imagine due to his stature that while he is an important member of town he is sort of shunned and as such he has this superior intelligence chip on his shoulder as well always trying to prove he isn't the lesser of another.

He will probably be one of the only townsfolk that will understand the baron probably had his reasons, after all rebeling against the king means all their necks are in nooses.
read 13 post

family info! [07.02.14 at 12:34p]

Just thought I'd throw up a list of the family members and ages of the children to help anyone who wants to come in as a relative. Thought it'd might help! Correct me if I'm wrong on any of these:

Father: Mitchell (43)
Mother: Arianna (41)
Eldest son: Eitri (25)
Eldest daughter: Katherina (18-21)
Son/daughter (open)
Son/daugther (open)
Youngest child: Fayette (16-17)

Other family: Osmund (cousin to Mitchell)

Hope I got that right.
read 4 post

[07.02.14 at 10:25a]

I thought this might be useful! I was looking for what a second character could do and found this list.


Also, since this is a made up place how is the religionof the area? Something Fayette's player said made me think on it and I was also thinking of making like a fryer or some sort. Thoughts?
read 26 post

[07.02.14 at 9:53a]
Instead of making another post I've held Angel Coulby and her journal will be [info]melisandebeau. She is pretty much a blank state apart from being a townsperson, she will either work in the local inn or would the family need some sort of maid?? I'm up to discussing any ideas you all have!
read 10 post

[07.02.14 at 9:42a]

Hi, I just held a townsperson/thief, possibly with Jared Leto as the PB. I think he'll be relatively new in town, come in search of fresh pickings a few weeks prior and got caught up in events. He's a magic user but self-taught, not a sorcerer by any means. Raised on the streets, had his own gang 'back home', a tough guy with a heart of solid rock underneath a chameleon's exterior. Charming, fun, pleasant to be around, knife you in the back if you do wrong by him. That kind of guy. :) He's for hire, methinks, will 'liberate' goods as well as information, especially information. I suspect he may have already ingratiated himself with the household staff and perhaps even has a job in the Baron's service.

Edited to add: He's apped. A city thief by the name of Rhodri, recently come in search of pastures new when the old ones got too hot. ;)
He ran a gang of thieves there and he has a mini-gang underway here with Melisande and Sully as the other two members. They're for hire, whether you want goods or services.

I'm not looking for anything in particular, I enjoy adapting my characters to circumstance, so you can throw virtually anything my way and I'll smile. Possible clients have been discussed already, so enemies, the law, someone who recognises him from the capital... happy to oblige. :)
read 13 post

[07.01.14 at 2:13p]

Hello! I held the baron's likely cousin and advisor (and a sorcerer - though for now secretly), tentative name Osmund, tentative pb Dominic Mafham. He's in his 30s-40s and got on well with the baron as a child. They likely were playmates or at least on good terms early on in their childhoods. When he was old enough and his parents (I'm leaning toward his mother) noticed his strange talents, he was taken outside of the kingdom for education. There, he received an education in sorcery and alchemy. He was deemed loyal to his new home and the circle of sorcerers he belonged to; when his homeland's king began pressing condemnation and punishment for sorcery, he was sent to observe the situation and report back.

Osmund got caught up in his family's affairs, has only stated he is an alchemist to his own family and those in the village, stood by while sorcerers were killed (and assisted I am sure), and now he's cursed along with the rest. So! I'm open for plot of any sort. Publicly he is approachable and a pleasant man, quite learned, but he's actually quite surreptitious and devious when necessary. His inner thoughts are a bit darker I'm sure and it's only going to get worse. I look forward to seeing how vampirism affects sorcery! All for any friends, enemies, and so on.
read 10 post

[07.01.14 at 8:53a]

Hello all! I'm Kris and I am apping for Arianna the wife of the baron. She is going to be quite the conflicted character in that she is sort of a practitioner of magic and has "The Sight". She probably, if she was consulted about it, was very against the kings wishes. I don't believe she was from the area that cursed them and her very husband does not know she does it. The episodes her visions cause might just be seen as a frailty of some sort explained away by the maid. Arianna is a very reclusive woman and has kept to her family for the most part. She has a lady's maid that she grew up with but other than that she is an enigma to anyone outside the family.

She had to be sedated the night the curse was placed on them. She kept going on and on about the voices damning them. No one had ever seen her so out of sorts not even her lady's maid. And I would love for that to be the first time that the baron saw her "frailty" as something other than just that and demanded for the maid to tell him what was going on.
read 22 post

[07.01.14 at 8:47a]

Hello all! This is Mitchell, the baron and probably least favorite person of most people. I have only a few things in mind for him so far (and will work on him tonight after work). However here's what I have so far!

- He was all about business but he did care deeply for the townspeople. Maybe had a few really good friends who were sorcerers.
- Originally pushed away the idea of condemning people because of magic, but the king threatened to kill/imprison his entire family. And being a family man, he would have given in for their sake. Not sure if he would tell anyone this part yet. What do you think?
- He'll be 43 and he would have fathered his first child at the age of 18. So I think that makes the eldest child around 25, just a fyi. I hope that's okay. I can switch things around need be!

I would like to see his wife around! I'd also like him to have some friends, people who were in the know of why he did what he did. Maybe a faithful servant or advisor that stuck by him through the chaos and ends up being the first turned vampire? Rivals would be awesome too. Everything, give me all the plots!

Looking forward to plotting with you all!!
read 32 post

[07.01.14 at 1:01a]

Hello, all! I thought I might get this started. So, I held a daughter, in the face of Adelaide Kane, and hopefully I won't be wishy-washy and change my hold. That being said, if anyone has other face suggestions, I'm happy to hear them, hahaha. I'm of course still working things out, but I'm going to keep my girl's personality fairly the same as when I played her last. This is Katherina. She's ridiculously clever and well-read. While most of her brothers were learning to use swords, she was learning how to slay in court. Despite being a girl and probably seen as less valuable by some, Katherina does all she can to further her family's outstanding reputation. She's extremely intelligent, pragmatic, and kind of no-nonsense when it comes to the duty and loyalty one has to their family. At this point, I'm hoping she was just married off to some wealthy lord before things went to hell--an arrangement that would definitely better the family's name and that she suggested herself, no doubt. So, it would be interesting to have her husband in-game. If anyone is still unsure about what character they wanted to bring in, there's a suggestion!

Otherwise, I'd love to work out the relationships she has with her family. I'm hoping she's very close with some of them. Ideally, she would be the oldest female at around 18-21?, but it anyone really wants to take the spot, I'm cool!
read 10 post

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