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Dec. 22nd, 2009


Fanart: Fun in the Snow! - PG

Title: Fun in the Snow!
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Media: Mechanical pencil.Lined and colored in PS Elements 6.0.
Rating: G
Pairing(s): HP/SS
Character(s): Severus James & Laurel Eileen
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers and Warner Bros., Inc. No profit is being made from this work. Severus James and Laurel Eileen belong to [info]lilyseyes
Warning(s): Implied MPREG. CHIBI-style. LARGE IMAGE behind cut.
Feel free to use as a desktop background, but please do not re-post etc without my permission.
Summary: There's nothing like spending time with your family during the holiday season. After a heavy snow, Harry helps little Severus build a snowman while Papa Severus refrains from critiquing Lulu's attempts to copy her big brother.

AN: In all honesty, I think this is my best chibi-work yet! ( And I finally figured out how to color snow!! XP ) Sister positively melted at this--and it's been a while. We both agree--Lulu and her deformed snowmen are our favorite bits! ;] Hope this was what you were looking for, Lily-Love!

For [info]lilyeyes and my fellow Breathe fans! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours! May this holiday season be one full of love, joy, and new beginnings for all of you.

Public Link Here.

Fun in the Snow! )

Oct. 3rd, 2009


Fanart: Rawr!! - MPREG but G-rated :]

Title: Rawr!!
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Media: Mechanical pencil. Colored in PS.
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Snarry
Character(s): Severus James, Laurel Eileen, Dawde, and Babies Potter-Snape!
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers and Warner Bros., Inc. No profit is being made from this work. Severus James and Laurel Eileen belong to [info]lilyseyes
Warning(s): MPREG. CHIBI-style. Extreme cuteness. x_x
Summary: A new "mother" protective of his young and unborn...

AN: So I pushed aside the textbooks because I was so inspired by Lily's Breathe birthday ficlet and doodled a "bribe" for the lovely author. It was in hopes of a solely pregnant Severus, but alas I am too late. After reading her latest Breathe installment, I made the appropriate updates, but my original concept is here.

For [info]lilyseyes and all my fellow Breathe fans. Congrats to our favorite little family... <3

Rawr!! )

Aug. 13th, 2009


Fanart: Sweet Dreams -- Birthday Art for the Delightful [info]lilyeyes!!

Title: Sweet Dreams
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Media: Mechanical pencil. Colored in PS.
Rating: G
Character(s): Severus James and Laurel Eileen Potter-Snape... and Baby Potter-Snape?!
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers and Warner Bros., Inc. No profit is being made from this work. Severus James and Laurel Eileen belong to [info]lilyseyes
Warning(s): Cuteness up the wazoo.
Summary: Sevvy dreams of what it'd be like with a baby brother.... Seems like Baby Potter-Snape does not appreciate being startled by their pool's friendly octopus. And just like his older siblings, Baby Potter-Snape's innate magic showed the octopus who was boss. :3

AN: For [info]lilyseyes and by extension, all her Breathe fans who itch for a new baby just as much as I do! I hope this hit the spot, dearest Lily. *Smooches*

Happy Belated Birthday [info]lilyseyes!!!

Sweet Dreams )

Mar. 15th, 2009


Fanart: Spring Is in the Air -- PG

Title: Spring Is in the Air
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): HP/SS
Warnings: Cross-posted at both [info]breathe_family communities and my journals.
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers and Warner Bros., Inc. The Breathe series, Severus James, and Laurel Eileen Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes. No profit is being made from this work.
Summary: The Potter-Snapes love Spring...

Dedicated to [info]lilyseyes and her always lovely Breathe.

AN: This almost didn't happen, but I pushed through. Severus is hard to draw face-forward... I still don't like drawing Harry with glasses... I'm making Sevvy look more like his Papa as per the series... And let's hope I get to draw more babies soon! :3

"Spring Is in the Air"

Jan. 17th, 2009


Breathe Doodle: "A is For Aconite" G - [info]chiakidark

Title: A is For Aconite
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Rating: G
Characters(s): Severus, Laurel Eileen
Warnings: Cross-posted at both [info]breathe_family communities and my journals.
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers and Warner Bros., Inc. The Breathe series, Severus James, and Laurel Eileen Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes. No profit is being made from this work.
Summary: Papa reads to Laurel from his favorite book as a child, "A is For Aconite." Severus is sure that he has the making of a Potions Mistress in Laurel, but Harry is sure that Laurel just loves listening to her Papa's rumbling tones and looking at the pretty pictures...

AN: Just a doodle I found that I never posted... I thought you all might enjoy it. :]

A is for Aconite )

Aug. 15th, 2008


Fanart: Girl's Best Friend - [info]chiakidark

Title: Girl's Best Friend
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Rating: G
Characters(s): Laurel Eileen & a four-legged family member...
Warnings: Nada. Crossposted at both [info]breathe_family communities.
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers and Warner Bros., Inc. The Breathe series, Severus James, and Laurel Eileen Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyeyes. No profit is being made from this work.
Summary: Who says dogs are man's best friend?

Girl's Best Friend )

Jun. 23rd, 2008


Fanart: Lulu's Lullaby - [info]chiakidark

Title: Lulu's Lullaby
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 01-24-2008
Rating: PG
Warnings: Super Sweetness. Implied MPREG.
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Breathe, Severus James, and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 01, and PhotoImpression 4.0.
Summary: Nap time for two of the Potter-Snapes!

Edit: It's out of order!! ToT I blame the SoCal heat.... *Pouts* I hate that it's out of order... *Pokes OCD self*

Lulu's Lullaby )

Jun. 19th, 2008


Fanart: A New Friend for Christmas - [info]chiakidark

Title: A New Friend for Christmas
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 12-28-2007
Rating: PG
Warnings: SS/HP. Implied MPREG.
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Breathe, Severus James, and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 01/03/05, copic ciao markers, and PhotoImpression 4.0. Blood, sweat, and tears. ToT
Summary: Sevvy makes a new friend on Christmas Eve. :3[info]

Full version here.

A New Friend for Christmas. )

Jun. 14th, 2008


Fanart: Trick or Treat!! - [info]chiakidark

Title: Trick or Treat!!
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 10-30-2007
Rating: PG
Warnings: Halloween cuteness.
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Severus James and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyeyes
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 01/03/05, copic ciao markers, and PhotoImpression 4.0
Summary: The Potter-Snape kids celebrate Halloween in style.

Jun. 11th, 2008


Fanart: Hello Laurel! - [info]chiakidark

Title: Hello Laurel!
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 09-21-2007
Rating: PG-13ish
Warnings: SS/HP. MPREG implied.
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Severus James and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 01/03, and PhotoImpression 4.0
Summary: The Potter-Snape family in the nursery of their new home.

Hello Laurel! )

Jun. 10th, 2008


Fanart: All In a Day's Work - [info]chiakidark

Title: All In a Day's Work
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 09-20-2007
Rating: PGish
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Severus James belongs to the wonderful [info]lilyseyes
Warnings: "Nekkid" Sevvy.
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5
Summary: It's hard work being an Imp.
Piece Notes: With the new house and our favorite Imp running rampant, plus his affinity for the nude, and wah-lah!!! XP

View Here. )

Jun. 7th, 2008


Fanart: Birthday Manip - [info]majmunka

Please check out the most adorable manip by the most talented [info]majmunka for [info]lilyeyes' birthday!!

Sevvy, Lulu, Dragon, Onyx, & Unicorn!


Fanart: Love at First Potion - [info]chiakidark

Title: Love at First Potion
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 08-13-2007
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Breathe, Severus James, and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes.
Warnings: None
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 03/01, Copic Ciao markers, & PhotoImpression 4.0
Piece Note: Another doodle of our Sevvy, this time with the gifts from his Papa.

**This piece was commissioned for the lovely [info]ladylark77 by the incredible [info]lilyseyes! We hope this brightens up your day!

Love at First Potion )

Jun. 6th, 2008


Fanart: Around Her Finger - [info]chiakidark

Title: Around Her Finger
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Completed: 06-06-2008
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilerish???
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Breathe, Severus James, and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens, and PhotoImpression 4.0.
Summary: Laurel Eileen has her older brother wrapped around her little finger-as it should be. ;]

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY [info]lilyseyes!!!

I hope you like it!!! *Smooches a hundred times over*

Mod Note: This layout cuts the picture off, but a full version can be viewed at my site. Follow the link.

Around Her Finger )

Jun. 5th, 2008


Fanart: The Amazing Flying Imp! - [info]chiakidark

Title: The Amazing Flying Imp!
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 08-10-2007
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Breathe, Severus James, and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyeyes.
Warnings: Implied SS/HP and Mpreg. Awwwwww-Level = High.
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 03/01, Copic Ciao markers, & PhotoImpression 4.0
Piece Notes: A quick doodle and color of the image I couldn't get out of my mind after Sevvy's/Rakina's birthday fic from [info]lilyseyes! Also, the "magic" indicates the Sticking Charm used to secure Onyx and the cauldron to the broom. (Yeah-I'm weird like that...) And finally, as you can tell... I got lazy and didn't draw all of UncleFredorGeorge. Hee. Edit: *Facepalm* It was Dragon who was supposed to be in the cauldron!! Not Onyx.... *Moans* Another sign of my deteriorating memory. *Sighs* But it's okay right? Hahahaha. -_-

The Amazing Flying Imp! )

Jun. 2nd, 2008


Fanart: Sweet Celebration - [info]chiakidark

Title: Sweet Celebration
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 07-08-2007
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Breathe, Severus James, and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes.
Warnings: Supersuper sweet!
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 03/01, Copic Ciao markers, & PhotoImpression 4.0
Piece Notes: The late gift. Lookit Sevvy's jumper and his use of wandless magic and his trying to feed Dragon some of that yummy F.Fortescue's ice cream too!!! n_n

Sweet Celebration )

May. 30th, 2008


Fanart: Papa's Lesson - [info]chiakidark

Title: Papa's Lesson
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 06-09-2007
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Breathe, Severus James, and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes.
Warnings: Flowers and Sevvy.
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 03/01, Copic Ciao markers, & PhotoImpression 4.0
Piece Notes: Lily, here is the gift I have been working on these past few days. I sincerely hope it brings you as much joy as "Inhaled Deeply" brought me.

AN: Dedicated to [info]lilyseyes.

May. 26th, 2008


Fanart: Icons & Banner for the Fans!!

Hello Breathe Fans!! Happy Monday!!!

We Mods just wanted to say a huge "Thank You" for enduring our relentless posting. [info]breathe_family should be up-to-date sometime next month, so please bear with us a little longer. As a thank you, here are some icons and a banner you are free to use as you please. Please credit the artwork and these specific icons to [info]chiakidark. If you use them as bases and come up with more icons to share, please send them [info]chiakidark 's way at

Remember, if you're missing a drabble or not seeing the artwork, that post is flocked and you must join the community to view them.

Again, thank you for your continued support to [info]lilyseyes and her wonderful Breathe series.

The Mods - [info]lilyseyes & [info]chiakidark

Icons & Banner )

May. 22nd, 2008


Fanart: Daddy's Fondest Memory

Title: Daddy's Fondest Memory
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 04-06-2007
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Breathe, Severus James, and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes.
Warnings: Pure sugary sweetness-make sure you have a dentist ready for the toothache you're about to get.
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 03/01, Copic Ciao markers
Piece Notes: Here's another fanart piece for [info]lilyseyes ' Breathe series which was inspired by the last line of my favorite installment so far. From "Squawk" of the Breathe series. "Harry just smiled as he drifted off, the memory of his two Severus’ sleeping side by side with Dragon squeezed between them, tucked away in his heart."

Daddy's Fondest Memory )


Fanart: Their Favorite Wizard - [info]chiakidark

Title: Their Favorite Wizard
Artist: [info]chiakidark
Originally Posted: 04-01-2007
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The characters of HP do not belong to me and no profit is being made from this work. Breathe, Severus James, and Laurel Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes. This pic uses the father and baby pose from Original Art by N. Boura.
Warnings: None.
Medium: Mechanical pencil 0.5, Sakura pens 03/01, Copic Ciao markers
Piece Notes: Harry and Sevvy think about their favorite wizard.

AN: For those following the [info]breathe_family posts... yes this is posted again because I'm silly and thought 4=March but it doesn't. LOL.

Their Favorite Wizard )

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