Jul. 6th, 2008


Announcement: Breathe Appreciation Participants

Attention Breathe Appreciation Participants,

There has been a change in plans.

If you could please post your gift to [info]lilyseyes to your own LJs/IJs and then email me the link to the post, I will create a Masterlist of the gifts and post it at both comms. You may begin posting tonight until tomorrow, and the Masterlist should be up asap after.

Thank you very much for your time and effort into this celebration of Breathe and [info]lilyseyes, and I apologize for the sudden change in plans.


Jun. 6th, 2008


Announcement: Launching Breathe Appreciation!!! <333333

Breathe Appreciation

Hello everyone, and a very “Happy Birthday” to the wonderful [info]lilyseyes!!! That being said, I’d like to launch “Breathe Appreciation” in honor of our talented friend and author Lily for her dedication to producing the wonderful universe of Breathe which has been a source of endless enjoyment since 2006.

I’d like to invite all you fans-authors and artists-to pick up your tools of trade and show lilyeyes your appreciation inspired by her Breathe series. And yes, we do have permission to use her OC’s Severus James, and Laurel Eileen in both written and drawn work.

In keeping with the Breathe drabbles, please limit the stories to a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 1000. Art does not have to be a huge hoopla, but simply presentable as a gift. I will be providing a standardized heading in the following days at the community/asylum. Since this is not a fest, there is no huge pressure on my being to match/find pitch hitters/etc. and if you cannot complete your entry in time there are no worries. It will simply be left out of the postings. So, my fellow fans, if you’re up for it, please follow the guidelines below:

  1. Email me, Chiaki, at chiaki_021@hotmail.com with your intent to submit and which (fic or art) you will be submitting. Please enter B.A. into the subject line.
  2. Submit your entry with the standardized heading by Sunday July 6th 11 pm to chiaki_021@hotmail.com only. Remember, while this event is known to her, the works themselves should be a surprise to Lily until their posting. Please have your subject line thus: Breathe Appreciation Entry - username.
  3. Posting begins Monday July 7th at the [info]breathe_family community on both LJ and IJ. (ModNote: All works rated Teen + will be flocked and you must join to view those entries.)

Thank you for your time, and let’s show Lily some L-O-V-E!!!! :D

<3 A Mod -[info]chiakidark

PS: There are some icons/banner art you fellow Breathe fans can find here for your enjoyment. :]