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Sep. 11th, 2007 @ 01:03 am Hallowe'en Fest Reminder
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[originally posted: 10/26/06 by chazpure]

Just a quick reminder, Hallowe'en is this coming Tuesday! Don't forget to get your fest entries posted before the witching hour! :-)

We've had several great entries so far, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of them.
Sep. 11th, 2007 @ 12:00 am Hallowe'en Fest - Claim Your Prompts!
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[originally posted: 09/26/06 by chazpure]

Thanks to everyone who submitted a prompt for the BottomSnape Hallowe'en Fest! I apologize for any confusion due to splitting the "locations" list in two - I hadn't realized there was a 15-entry limit when I drafted the list. Some prompts included two locations, some did not specify a pairing or enter a prompt, but it looks like we have a great list to choose from anyway. If some information is missing, just use your best judgment or your imagination, whichever you prefer! :-)

To claim a prompt, please reply to this post with your user name and the prompt number. These claims are for art or fic of 500 to 5000 words based on your claimed prompt, featuring Bottom!Snape, due by Hallowe'en - October 31, 2006.

I'll try to update the list with claims as they come in, but I will be away from the computer intermittently, so please be patient. :-)

ETA: Our final prompt count is 39, with the addition of a marvelously creepy prompt from athenakt!

And now, on to the claims! )
Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 11:51 pm Reminder - Prompt Poll closes today!
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[originally posted: 09/25/06] by chazpure]

Just a reminder - today is the last day to submit a prompt for the BottomSnape Hallowe'en fest. The Prompt Poll is here.

The list of prompts will be posted and opened up for claims tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 26.
Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 11:48 pm Hallowe'en Fest - Prompt Poll!
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[originally posted: 09/23/06 by chazpure]

All righty. Here's the post where you can submit a prompt for the BottomSnape Hallowe'en Fest. These are for art or fic from 500 to 5000 words, all featuring Bottom!Snape, due by Hallowe'en. Slash, Het, and solo all welcome! In the poll below, please enter a partner (even if it's "self" or "his right hand" *g*), pick a location from one of the two lists, pick a Hallowe'en-themed item, and enter a short prompt. The poll will remain open through Monday; Tuesday we'll post the list and open up for claims.

ETA: The poll is open to members and non-members alike. Watchers, feel free to submit a prompt!

ETA2: As of October 1, the poll is now closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted a prompt!
