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Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 09:49 pm Book 7 Spoiler Policy for bottomsnape
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[originally posted: 06/07/07]

Since some early warnings of spoiler trolls have been going around, we'd like to announce the spoiler policy for bottomsnape.

1. Please post anything that might be considered a spoiler for Book 7 behind an LJ cut.

2. In order to avoid trolls, two days before the release of DH, we will be putting the community on moderated posting status. This will continue until at least two days after the US release date.

3. After we give the go-ahead, discussion of spoilers is acceptable here, as long as they are behind a cut and locked to the community.

4. Please avoid spoilery posting headers and cut-text.


The Mods
Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 08:59 pm May 2007 Exchange - here we go!
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[originally posted: 05/14/07 by odogoddess]

For a first exchange, we've had pretty good luck. Only two drop outs, with pinch-hitters in place and all systems go. Pinch-hitters are getting the gifts the drop outs would have gotten, so it's all good.

Soon I'll be posting our first fic. There will be a new fic posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, just in case anyone needs a reminder. In between days, you bottomsnape fans are expected to provide feedback. Remember, fanfic authors don't receive anything else for their efforts. So even if all you have to say is "Neat idea!" or "Hot!, it's appreciated.

That said - let's get the fanfic flowing!
Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 08:53 pm Fantasy Fest Extension!
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[originally posted: 04/30/07 by odogoddess]

I don't know about our other entrants aside from those who have turned in their wonderful entries so far, but my own fic is not quite ready. :-/

I'm sure some of you are in the same boat. Moreover, the Exchange fics aren't going to start posting until May 14th. So... I'm extending the Fantasy Fest two more weeks so those of us whose muses are reluctant and/or have too much RL to deal with can work on them and post between now and then, and the rest can enjoy a few more new fics between now and when the Exchange posts begin.

That said, let's keep those keyboards smoking! :)
Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 08:51 pm BottomSnape Exchange Reminder
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[originally posted: 04/30/07 by chazpure]

Just a friendly reminder that your entries for the BottomSnape May Exchange are due by Monday, May 7, so you have one more week to finish up! If you're running late and are going to need an extension, please let us know ASAP.

We've already received several terrific entries, so this is shaping up to be a great innaugural fest!
Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 03:31 am Exchange Assignments
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[originally posted: 03/31/07 by odogoddess]

All the assignments for the BottomSnape exchange have now been mailed, so when you receive your assignment, please reply to the email to let us know it got through okay.

If you don't receive your assignment soon, or if you have a problem with it, please let us know as soon as possible! Send email to bottomsnape@yahoo.com.

Assignments are due May 7. I hope everyone has a great time with this!
Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 03:29 am Sign Ups For May Exchange Now Closed
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[originally posted: 03/29/07 by odogoddess]

We have a small pool of writers, but that just means we start posting the fics later and can give you enthusiastic participants an extra week of writing/drawing time. :)

So the deadline for turning in assignments is now May 7th, and we'll start posting on May 14th, one new entry Monday through Friday, with weekends off to (hopefully) re-read and post reviews.

Writers, artists, start checking your inbox for your assignments this Friday!
Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 03:25 am sign-ups extended for May exchange
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[originally posted: 03/27/07 by odogoddess]

I'm extending the sign-ups for two more days! The smallest successful exchange I've seen take place was 12 writers/artists. Ideally, I'd like at least 20, but I won't hold my breath! :) Still, I'm hoping we nab a few more interested participants, because in an exchange - the more the merrier!

The sign up post is here.
Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 03:21 am Sign-Up Post: bottomsnape May Exchange 2007
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[originally posted: 03/23/07 by odogoddess]

Yay! This is our first exchange and we hope it will go off as smoothly as Severus does when he's with his beloved partner. :)

To that end, we must have some ground rules and for those wanting to take part, here they are:

1. You must be 18 to participate. No exceptions.

2. All work should contain some form of bottomsnape, slash or het. Including masturbation, in keeping with National Masturbation Month, is encouraged, but not required.

3. If you sign up, you will be writing or drawing a gift for a person that will be assigned to you.

4. If you are writing, your story must be a minimum of 1,000 words. We would strongly advise that your story be beta-read or at the very least SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar) proofed.

5. Please follow the recipient's request. While you do not have to include every single element they request, please try to honour the request to the best of your ability. These are the most important considerations:
- Is at least one of their pairings in your entry?
- Is at least one element they requested present?
- Have their squicks been avoided? The answer to all these should be YES.

6. If you, at any time, need to back out of the exchange, please let us know as soon as possible, either here or via email, so that we may get a pinch-hitter. NOTE: fics written for drop-outs will to the best of our ability be re-assigned to a pinch-hitter. Pinch-hitters, it's best to be flexible in terms of what you may receive.

7. Fics should be in text format or a Word doc with all Smart Quotes turned off and any special html coding (italics, bold, underline, center, etc) included. Work should be completed by April 22nd. We can work with you if there are time-constraints but let us know ASAP, because we start posting May 1st. If we do not hear from late-entrants by April 24th, we will assume you have been incapacitated and will re-assign accordingly. So, if you *think* a conflict may arise, let us know - often times a think-it-might becomes a OMG-it-did(!) and there is no time when it happens to let anyone know. So the watchwords are: keep us informed.

8. When your work is completed, please email it to bottomsnape AT yahoo DOT com with 'bottomsnape exchange entry' in the title. We will send confirmation of receipt within 24 hours, so if you do not get confirmation of receipt, then we did not receive it!

9. Please do not archive your work elsewhere until artists and authors have been revealed on the community in the form of a master list.

10. All fic or art must have the following header included:

FROM: (include this, but it will be deleted prior to posting)
DISCLAIMER: The world of HP and it's characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.

11. Het and slash alike will be allowed in this fest. If you do not write or wish to receive either slash or het, just indicate it on the sign-up form. We are expecting a small pool of entries and more writers than artists, so we cannot guarantee a choice between fic or art. We also suspect there will be more slash than het authors and artists, so please try and remain as flexible as possible on your sign up.

By signing up, you are indicating that you understand you must complete your recipient's request by April 22nd and if you are running late and do not contact [info]bottomsnape's moderators by April 24th, that your gift may be re-assigned.

How do you sign up? Use the template below.

Sign ups close on March 26th! Assignments start going out March 30th.

Correction: Sign-ups have been extended two more days. They now close on March 28th. No other dates have changed.

Remember, in re: your entries - if you're not sure of timeline or character details or how to spell something, the Harry Potter lexicon is very helpful.

If you have any questions not covered above, feel free to ask. You can email us, if you prefer, at: bottomsnape AT yahoo DOT com

Since we have RL's, too, please allow us at least a day to respond before assuming we are either ignoring you or did not see your question or email. Thanks!

That aside, please consider taking part and making Masturbation month one to remember. :)

ETA: Sign-ups are now closed! 12:08A, 29 March 2007.
Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 03:18 am Fantasy Fest Posting Now Open! Plus Exchange Information...
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[originally posted: 03/17/07 by odogoddess]

Posting can begin anytime now for the March bottomsnape Fantasy Fest! :) Posts can keep coming in until the end of April. :)

May, of course, is National Masturbation Month. :) What better way to celebrate than to have our first bottomsnape exchange? To that end, sign-ups will begin March 23 and go on through March 26. Mark your calendars! Yes, you can absolutely sign up to be a pinch-hitter.

Assignments will go out by March 31st. The deadline for exchange fic/art will be April 22nd. Exchange entries must:
- for fic, be 1,000 words or more - there is no upper limit
- contain bottom!Snape
- try to the best of the writer or artist's ability to fulfill the recipient's request

Including masturbation, in keeping with National Masturbation Month, is encouraged, but not required. All entries can be considered as inspiring masturbation, after all!

Note: We are expecting a small pool of entries and more writers than artists, so we cannot guarantee a choice between fic or art. Aside from that, we hope you make plans to join us and above all - have fun! :)
Sep. 12th, 2007 @ 03:05 am March Fantasy-Fest - Prompts post
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[originally posted: 03/01/07 by chazpure]

Yes, it's time for a fic fest, so to that end,
prompts are now being accepted for our various writers
and artists to peruse and pick.

The rules:

- fic must be between 500 to 5,000 words.
- must be posted starting St. Patrick's Day
- must have bottom!Snape, so some smut is required

other than that, the main thing is - have fun!

The prompts poll will be open until Monday, March 5,
when we will post the list for you to stake your claims.
Claims will be open through Friday, March 9, and entries
can start posting on March 17.

Please enter a prompt for the fest. This can include
pairings/moresomes, scenarios, kinks - anything that
will fit in the text-box.


We're also planning on an exchange to start posting in May,
in celebration of National Masturbation Month!
Sign-ups will be opened toward the end of March.
Sep. 11th, 2007 @ 01:03 am Hallowe'en Fest Reminder
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[originally posted: 10/26/06 by chazpure]

Just a quick reminder, Hallowe'en is this coming Tuesday! Don't forget to get your fest entries posted before the witching hour! :-)

We've had several great entries so far, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of them.
Sep. 11th, 2007 @ 12:00 am Hallowe'en Fest - Claim Your Prompts!
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[originally posted: 09/26/06 by chazpure]

Thanks to everyone who submitted a prompt for the BottomSnape Hallowe'en Fest! I apologize for any confusion due to splitting the "locations" list in two - I hadn't realized there was a 15-entry limit when I drafted the list. Some prompts included two locations, some did not specify a pairing or enter a prompt, but it looks like we have a great list to choose from anyway. If some information is missing, just use your best judgment or your imagination, whichever you prefer! :-)

To claim a prompt, please reply to this post with your user name and the prompt number. These claims are for art or fic of 500 to 5000 words based on your claimed prompt, featuring Bottom!Snape, due by Hallowe'en - October 31, 2006.

I'll try to update the list with claims as they come in, but I will be away from the computer intermittently, so please be patient. :-)

ETA: Our final prompt count is 39, with the addition of a marvelously creepy prompt from athenakt!

And now, on to the claims! )
Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 11:51 pm Reminder - Prompt Poll closes today!
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[originally posted: 09/25/06] by chazpure]

Just a reminder - today is the last day to submit a prompt for the BottomSnape Hallowe'en fest. The Prompt Poll is here.

The list of prompts will be posted and opened up for claims tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 26.
Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 11:48 pm Hallowe'en Fest - Prompt Poll!
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[originally posted: 09/23/06 by chazpure]

All righty. Here's the post where you can submit a prompt for the BottomSnape Hallowe'en Fest. These are for art or fic from 500 to 5000 words, all featuring Bottom!Snape, due by Hallowe'en. Slash, Het, and solo all welcome! In the poll below, please enter a partner (even if it's "self" or "his right hand" *g*), pick a location from one of the two lists, pick a Hallowe'en-themed item, and enter a short prompt. The poll will remain open through Monday; Tuesday we'll post the list and open up for claims.

ETA: The poll is open to members and non-members alike. Watchers, feel free to submit a prompt!

ETA2: As of October 1, the poll is now closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted a prompt!

Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 06:59 pm About that Holiday Exchange...
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[originally posted: 08/04/06] by chazpure]

At Lumos, we got to talking about the potential BottomSnape holiday exchange, and the suggestion was made that if it was pushed back a bit, more people might be willing able to participate. So, what do you think? How about a BottomSnape Valentine's day exchange, "From the Bottom of Our Hearts"? ;-)

* Signups open this month, and
* Assignments are issued by early September, and
* Submissions are due by January 15, and
* Rules follow the same general pattern as merry_smutmas or smutty_claus, and
* Slash, het, multiples and genderswitch stories and art are all allowed, and...
Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 06:33 pm It's beginning to look a lot like...
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[originally posted: 07/20/06] by chazpure]

...the time of year when Holiday Ficathons, Exchanges and such get started up!

So, should there be a BottomSnape Holiday Exchange this year? A wealth of fic and art, all featuring our favorite Potions Master bottoming to anyone imaginable, in every conceivable scenario? A chance to ask for your favorite BottomSnape pairing and associated kinks?

What do you think?

Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 06:30 pm July/August challenge
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[originally posted: 07/01/06] by odogoddess]

The Twins challenge entries have been lovely so far and I thank everyone taking part and those still intending to! I hope to see more. :)

They can continue to be posted till the end of July. All challenges will overlap so no one need feel concern that they are posting 'late'. There is no late here at bottomsnape, there is only new fic or art that is a pleasant surprise. :)

It's a new month and so it's time for a new challenge! Since it's July and school is out, from now to the end of August, the bottomsnape challenge will be: School's Out!

When school is out, where does Snape go for a long, meltingly slow screw? Or is it a fast, hot shag? And who does he go to? Remus on the beach? Picking exotic herbs in South America with Hagrid? Training Harry in one thing and Harry turns him around and trains him in another? ;) Running into an order member and getting his needy arse plundered in a storage cupboard at 12 Grimmauld Place? Does a Ministry member have the goods on Snape and use it to their advantage?

Well, authors and artists - it's up to you to tell and show us. :) Remember - anyplace but Hogwarts, because School's Out!
Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 05:49 pm Welcome and our first challenge!
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[originally posted: 05/31/06] by odogoddess]

Welcome to bottomsnape!

I've been considering setting up a bottom!Snape community for at least two years, but always talked myself out of it. Well, my Snape-loving muse kept harping at me and finally I gave in. So here we are. :)

Please don't mind our dust as we settle in and get things all set up.

What do we do now? Easy! We write and draw and discuss. :) So I give you our...

Challenge for June 2006: twins!

Since it's June and the sun sign of Gemini holds full sway - why not start off with Snape/twins! Hold on - it's not just Fred and George (although, they're more than welcome here!), but also Padma and Parvati. And if you're willing to postulate that Sirius & Regulus, Gideon & Fabian Prewett (Molly's brothers), Narcissa and Andromeda or Andromeda and Bella, or Aberforth & Albus were twins - who are we to stop you? ;) Feel free to indulge in bottom!Snape/twins fervour of all kinds and flavours. :)

Let the bottoming of Snape begin!
Sep. 10th, 2007 @ 05:48 am bottomsnape FYI
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Current Mood: vexed & sneezing my head off

[reposting from moddy acct, since posting to the list from a personal account will *not* let you screen posts.] :-/

Okay, I'm slowly getting things done, despite a filthy sinus infection/allergies.

I am going to start migrating the stories to [info]bottomsnape from LJ, but... IJ will not let me backdate the entries, and I'm going to have to add the original date on the top of each entry along with the original poster... but they will all start coming through to your flist, one after the other. In other words, the flist spam will be annoying. To avoid this, you can do one of two things.

1. Post a comment here telling me you submitted your age statement and are friended or have joined the list, but are going to unfriend until the end of the week. (Yes, I'll be double-checking the submitted statements.) If you are posting from an account different than the one you wish to join [info]bottomsnape from, just tell me the right username. ALL COMMENTS WILL BE SCREENED. When I'm done migrating the posts, I will then send you an invite to the list and add you back when you respond to it.

2. Filter out [info]bottomsnape for this week, so you don't have to read the countless posts that will be coming out.

I won't start migrating the stories until tomorrow, to give everyone a chance to do one of the two things above.

Sorry about the mess and fuss.

ETA: With thanks to, [info]snakeling for the heads-up. If you go to the profile, click on the plus icon, and choose remove. You'll still be a member of the comm, but the posts won't appear on your flist. Yet another way to prevent your flist view from being subjected to our old post bonanza this week.
Nov. 9th, 2007 @ 01:18 am first post, new home
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Current Mood: insanely busy

Thanks to busy schedules, ill health, and the LJ woes, we've been biding our time to see which way the wind blows. The disinterest bordering on lack of respect of LJ/6A toward fandom and fan concerns worried us greatly. Moreover, their insistence on stamping our erotic creative efforts as being obscene or child porn reveals a fundamental lack of understanding of the difference between reality and fiction that is downright dangerous. It is doubly so since they clearly demonstrated they do not care who they dub a criminal in their haste to clean their servers of what they feel is 'content lacking in social, artistic or literary value.'

So we have moved. We are going to be here for now. If things heat up or get worse, we'll consider buying space for bottomsnape on journalfen, but that's a last resort. Please don't groan, this sort of thing has been going on for awhile. Remember the old adage about not having all your eggs in one basket? The same applies to fanfic and fan art. These kerfuffles happen from time to time and there is splintering, but in the end, it's healthier for fandom. It spreads and grows new roots and yes, in some places it withers, but we also discover the good places where we can thrive and grow. What matters is not being the biggest and brightest, but shining your light as best as you can.

For now, though, what this all means to [info]bottomsnape is that the posts are going to be migrated here. The comments cannot be migrated, so if you wrote or drew something for [info]bottomsnape and want to keep your feedback, please save it to your computer. We won't delete the comm on lj, but we do feel that it's likely to get TOS'd eventually.

To save ourselves trouble here, now and in future, we are also going to be sweeping house and making sure all members are over 18. People without a posted age statement will not be approved to join.

This is to protect all of us. Sure you can friend just to watch, but as all posts with questionable material must get flocked to the list, you will likely not be able to see or read all the material.

What "questionable" means:
- any post, fic or art, that might be construed as chan (underage character w/adult)
- any post, fic or art, that contains graphic sexual content (depiction of penetration)
- any post, fic or art, that contains graphic violence or kink (such as bdsm or bloodplay, etc.)
- any post with links to fic or art that contains any of the above

Yes, we prefer to err on the side of caution and respect our kind new host's TOS.

If you need somewhere to house your fic, we rec The Archive at the End of the Universe or good, old, much-maligned, but very adult material-friendly Adult Fanfiction Net.

If you need somewhere to house your art, there is Deviant Art, although I am informed they don't care for extremely graphic sexual content, but the soft-core erotica that doesn't show bits should be all right. Digital Art Org has a special section for fan art, and is about the same.

The aforementioned The Archive at the End of the Universe also accepts adult art.

ADDENDUM: a little bird told us about weblogimages. They claim, and I quote from their own webpage Worried about censorship? Don't, no account will be closed due to any content. Check their faq for more specifics.

Lastly, if you prefer your own site, Slash City offers very low cost accounts.

That said, we thank you all for your patience so far and hope to get everything moved fairly quickly, and get a New Year's resolution fest going.

Remember to flock your posts if it's questionable. If you have any question or concern at all about a post, just flock it for safety's sake. We will be moderating posts for a few weeks until everyone gets settled in.

That said, we're glad to be in a new and friendlier environment for fans, and hope you decide to join us and take part on [info]bottomsnape.