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May. 22nd, 2008


I just ordered a whole lot of books from amazon, and I was just wondering if anyone had read them and what they thought about them. The books are: Magic Bites by Kate Daniels and the next one in the series Magic Burns, The Host by Stephenie Meyer, Anything Goes by John Barrowman and his sister, The Phoenix by Ruth Sims and Without Reservations by J. L. Langley.

Are there any good fantasy or vampire books that you could suggest that I could read?

May. 16th, 2008


Anyone else reading G.W. Dahlquist's GLASS BOOKS series?

Because I'm the only person I know reading this huge, picaresque, polymorphously perverse series... and I want company :)

One FREE glass card to the first responder!

May. 14th, 2008


The Cat Who....

Just read (again) The Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell. I just love those books when I want something to read that doesn't require a lot of thought. Hmmmm, "junk food" reading I call it. Won't change my life in a any way shape or form, doesn't have a super deep plot, etc. However, the characters are charming, and she describes for me a kind of Utopia in small town living.

I wanna be James Qwilleran when I grow up. *wink*

Working on a Douglas Preston book I talked my husband into reading now. Something with a bit of meat to it. And also looking ahead on my Shelfari list (YE GODS! I love that web site!)to see what else I'm going to read. I've discovered the wonderous time of just after my daughter falls asleep to read.

May. 7th, 2008


Reading lists

Do you keep track of the books you read? How about the books you want to read?
Care to share?

May. 4th, 2008


April-May Bookiness

How many books have you read this April?
How many books do you plan to read this May?

Feel free to discuss what books you read in the comments.

EDIT: I can't get the HTML to work, so no poll.

Apr. 28th, 2008


Top 106 Books Sitting on People's Bookshelves According to LibraryThing

"What we have here is the top 106 books most often marked as "unread" by LibraryThing’s users. As in, they sit on the shelf to make you look smart or well-rounded. Bold the ones you've read, underline the ones you read for school, italicize the ones you started but didn't finish. Here's the twist: add (*) beside the ones you liked and would (or did) read again or recommend. Even if you read 'em for school in the first place."

Stolen from [info]hand_of_paper and [info]meganekko.

Apr. 27th, 2008


Favorite Authors

Do you have any favorite authors? What about their writing drags you in?

Apr. 26th, 2008


NOT a book rec - a rant...

Traci Harding is a popular Australian fantasy author.  Her previous books have been best-sellers (here in Australia anyway).  And there's no doubt she can write a riveting tale - her books do have a way of grabbing your attention, and refusing to let go.

Read more... )
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Apr. 23rd, 2008


Book Clubs

Have any of you been/are part of a book club? What was it like? What books did you read? For how long? Etc.

Apr. 20th, 2008


Another quick question

Do you usually buy books, borrow them from friends, borrow from the library or something else? What would you prefer doing?

Apr. 18th, 2008


Any ideas on an appropriate fantasy novel to give a 16 year old boy?

Anyone have any brilliant notions on an appropriate (possibly YA) fantasy-type book to give a boy turning 17? His reading skills are quite advanced. As I understand it, his reading abilities are easily equivalent to most adults, although the book's contents should not be too graphically sexual.

He has enjoyed the Harry Potter books, as well as Lord of the Rings. He loves David Gemmel's novels, but has read them all. Likewise with Raymond E. Feist books (including the Empire series written by Feist and Janny Wurts.)

EDIT: I bought the two books today - Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, and Sabriel by Garth Nix.
Thanks to all who gave their suggestions.

Apr. 13th, 2008


Yay 50+ Members! [Book Recs]

Not even a month old we have 50+ (51 members/57 watchers as I type but may increase) members. Welcome new and old members. I hope you enjoy your stay.

To celebrate, how about a book recommendation thread? Recommend as many or as few books as you wish.

Apr. 12th, 2008


Beatniks Anyone?

I've had hard time finding beats fans, so I ask are you one? If so which is your favorite beat? Your favorite book? and Poem?

Mine would definitely be Kerouac/Ginsberg (I adore them both way to much to have just one favorite)

My favorite book and yes quite a cliche but its "On the Road" maybe "Subterraneans" as well.

And my favorite poems are "Howl" and "Supermarket in California" both by Ginsberg.

Apr. 11th, 2008



If some special book fairy granted you five free books, what books would you wish for? How come?

Apr. 10th, 2008


Quick Shakespeare Meme

Bold the ones you’ve read
Italicize the ones you want to read
Cross out the ones you won’t touch with a 10 foot pole
+ Put a cross infront of the ones on your book shelf
* Asterisk the ones you’ve never heard of.

List under the cut )

Apr. 9th, 2008


Top 10 Books

What are your top ten favorite reads of all time? Why?
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The Black Magician Trilogy

I was just wondering if anyone has read any of the The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan. If you have please let me know what you thought of it. I was thinking about reading the series

Apr. 6th, 2008


How to illustrate a point…

Tonight the cover of my Lynn Truss book “Making the Cat Laugh” came off. I was besides myself. It’s my bathroom book. The book I read during a long relaxing bath.
"Look" I said to boyfriend. "It's falling apart!"
"Why not bring in that one you’ve got in the car?" Said he. "That Marian Keyes."
"No!" Exclaimed I. "That's my car book! Its for reading in the car."

So, what was the point of this except to lament the passing of a favourite book? Well, do you have a certain book for a certain place? Is there a library in your bathroom? A well-stocked hold in the kitchen for mid-meal literary snaking? I wish to know I’m not alone and what sort of book do you keep there? Mine tend to be light, fluffy and compilations of short stories or journalistic essays so I can dip in and out as I choose.

Apr. 5th, 2008



What are your top 5 favorite characters? What books do they come from and what makes them your favorite?
What are your top 5 most hated characters? What books do they come from and what makes you loathe them?

Apr. 4th, 2008


17. Startide Rising by David Brin

I've read Startide Rising before. It is book 2 of Brin's Uplift Trilogy (I can't find book one for some reason; I know I own it, but it's nowhere to be found).

The Uplift Trilogy takes place in the Five Galaxies, a group of galaxies including our own which are linked by hyperspatial travel and a common set of traditions, a 2-billion-year-old civilization. This civilization was started by the semi-legendary Progenitors, the first sentient species. Since the time of the Progenitors, every species has been linked in the Uplift Cycle. Sentient races find pre-sentient species, intelligent animals effectively, and, through a millennia-long process of genetic engineering, breeding, and social engineering raise them up to be starfaring, sentient, species. This cycle was first started by the Progentor, and since that time, it is believed that no species has evolved sentience on their own. Indeed, most of the species in the Five Galaxies believe that it is impossible for sentience to evolve without Uplift. The species that is uplifted is referred to as the Client, and the species that does the uplift is the Patron. Clients are expected to "repay" their Patrons with a 100,000-year-long period of indenture, during which the Patron race has tremendous legal power over their clients. There is little in the way of galactic government, each species (and any clients) is a nation-type entity. There are various institutions bringing them together, such as the Library and the Galactic Institute of Migration, which have some power over the various species. Galactic civilization is very slow-paced. Science and technology grow with extreme slowness, as most simply prefer to refer to the Library. Independent research is generally frowned upon, as, for one, it's often useless. Chances are, whatever you discover has been discovered before. Also, there is a strongly-engrained antipathy to innovation. Eventually, most species either die out or evolve onto another plane, and leave galactic civilization. In the final stages, they generally retire to a small number of worlds and cut off contact.

Some 300 years prior to the book, humanity made first contact with Galactic Civilization when they unknowingly violated Galactic Law by colonizing a planet that was off-limits to settlement (planets are regularly declared off-limits to allow for natural evolutionary processes to procede, and possibly produce new pre-sentients). As it turns out, humanity had already begun uplifting chimpanzees and dolphins on their own before encountering the Galactics, or "Eatees" as they are derogatorily known. Humanity was massively shaken by this encounter. Everything they were proud of, all their accomplishments, were now seen as hopelessly primitive. They were technological primitives in a dangerous galaxy, a galaxy in which many species were hostile towards humanity. Their unwitting violation of galactic law was forgiven, as they'd been ignorant of the law. More seriously however is the challenge to the generally-held doctrine that sapience cannot evolve. Most galactics assume that some unknown species must have begun humanity's uplift, and then abandoned them half-way. (There have been a few other stories of such species; but few "wolfling" races have survived long) Humanity initially rejected this view, holding fast to the view that they evolved on their own, but by the time of Startide Rising, most had accepted the "lost Patron" view, though some "heretics" did still remain. Humanity was also looked upon with suspicion for their love of innovation and general ignorance of galactic civilization. In the past 300 years, humanity had incorporated a great deal of Galactic science, but still remained behind the rest of the galaxies. The fact that they had begun Uplifting chimps and dolphins gave them Patron status, but there are still many species which would like to wipe out humanity or have them declared a client.

In the midst of this tense situation, a mostly-dolphin-crewed Earth ship, the Streaker, makes a startling discovery - ancient ships, over a billion years old, in an isolated region of space. They report their discovery back to Earth, and are immediately ordered to go into hiding, and avoid capture if at all possible. Their message had, however, been intercepted, and ships from dozens of powerful fanatic species attempt to capture them. Something about their discovery had religious meaning. The galactic religions all center on the Progenitors, and what their fate was. Many believe that the Progenitors will return some day, and different groups have different beliefs about how and when this will happen. These variations can inspire the same degree of religious hatred as Catholic/Protestant or Sunni/Shiite or other such divisions have among humanity. And so the Streaker finds itself pursued by huge fleets of religious fanatics, saved only by the same fanatics fighting each other over the right to capture the Streaker and gain the information they'd discovered.

The Streaker hides on a mostly-ocean-covered world known as Kithrup, where they are discovered. The book takes place on Kithrup as the Earthlings tensely await the outcome of the battle in surrounding space, and try to find a way to escape. They also discover a pre-sentient race living on Kithrup. The story largely focuses on the events on the planetbound starship, with some of the dolphins reverting to less-sentient behaviors under the stress. This story is interspersed with brief chapters taking place on various alien ships.

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