March 29th, 2009

[info]seanlily in [info]book_discuss

Wicked Lovely - Melissa Marr

In Wicked Lovely we are introduced to Aislinn, a strong, smart 17 year old who just happens to see faeries. Everywhere. And she has to pretend she can’t.

The Winter Queen of the Winter faeries and the Summer King of the Summer Court have a contest going, a power struggle. The Summer King isn’t quite up to his full strength and he can’t fight the powerful Winter Queen on his own. The Winter Queen wants to control all the faeries and perhaps the human world as well. The Summer King needs to find the human girl who will love him and trust him enough to take a test that could either make her the Summer Queen or leave her all but frozen with pain and not quite alive but not dead. After centuries, Kennan thinks he’s finally found the one who will restore his full power. The problem is Aislinn knows about faeries, can see them and doesn’t want to have anything to do with them. She wants to live a normal life, have a boyfriend, finish high school and go to college. While he tries to woo her, Ash is doing everything she can, with the help of her friend Seth, to figure out what they want and how she can get away from them.

I like the evilness of the faeries, I like that Aislinn is a smart, stubborn girl and I liked watching her figure out how to deal with this. I wasn’t totally in love with this, but it was a great new look at the faery world and I am curious to know what else happens. Oh, the covers for the series are beautiful.