February 26th, 2009

[info]seanlily in [info]book_discuss

Summer in Gascony - Martin Calder

Except for the working the farm/hotel part, I’d enjoy spending a little time in Gascony. Summer in Gascony is about a way of life. Young Martin Calder spends a summer working at an auberge, a hotel/restaurant, in Gascony. Martin describes the work on the farm, taking care of the sheep, and the work in the restaurant cooking for the guests. He describes the lifestyle of the people in this area the town of Péguilhan, the festivals, the daily grind and the quiet life. He gives a bit of history, discusses the famous D’Artagnan, the Cagot, and the various groups that came through and settled there. Martin falls in love with the slow pace, the family meals, the character of the Gascons. It was a nice look at the life of the people and a sense of place.