March 30th, 2008

[info]geas_slave in [info]book_discuss

What's your reading style?

1) Do you read a few pages at a time or in long stretches?
2) Do you read one book at a time or several at a time?
2b) What's the largest number of books you have read at the same time?
3) Where do you like to read?
3b) Where do you usually read?
4) Do you prefer silence, some light background noise, or a loud roar while reading?
5) How do you usually position yourself while reading (sit, lay down, reclined, etc)?
6) Do you primarily read for pleasure, or is it a requirement (work or school)?
7) Do you do other activities while you read?
7b) If so, what?
8) How do you mark a page (dog ear, book mark, leave a book open and turn it cover side up, etc)?
