body modifications' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
body modifications

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[21 Sep 2008|06:25pm]
welcome to [info]bodymod, an ij community for body modification. feel free to post pictures, ask questions, and anything else related to body mods.

should there be rules? yeah, we can do a few rules:

  • since everyone asks the same questions all the time, here's a new rule: DON'T ASK IF OR HOW MUCH SOMETHING HURTS. DON'T ASK HOW MUCH SOMETHING COSTS. these are simple questions that can be answered via google. besides, prices vary depending on shop, and pain will vary depending on person.
  • put multiple/large pictures under a cut. if the pictures aren't work safe, make a note of it.

  • if you are under 18, don't post explicit photos of your naughty bits.

  • this community will be public, but you can make your posts locked if you'd like.

  • don't disable comments.

  • don't argue. don't be a dick. take it elsewhere. no one cares if you get pissed off over someones opinion, let it go.

  • don't promote your community.

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