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Aug. 26th, 2008


draco + sirius + harry

little ice cream dragons! )

Jul. 30th, 2008


WHO: Aurora and Sirius.
WHAT: Detente?
WHEN: A few days after New Year's
WHERE: Diagon Alley

An anniversary gift. )

Jul. 28th, 2008


WHO: Remus & Severus
WHAT: Admitting some feelings
WHEN: New Years
WHERE: Burrow

see? knew you liked me. )


WHO: Fred, Draco, Harry
WHAT: Happy New Year!
WHEN: Jan. 1
WHERE: The burrow

why would i HIT you? )

Jul. 2nd, 2008


WHO: Draco, Sirius, Remus
WHAT: Christmas!
RATING: C for cute!

happy christmas! )


WHO: Severus and Remus.
WHAT: A conversation during the Christmas 'do at Grimmauld Place.
WHERE: Grimmauld Place.
WHEN: 24 December.
RATING: So very G. Sigh.
STATUS: Complete.

It's not your heart, is it? )

Jun. 29th, 2008


Who: Aurora Sinistra and Sirius Black
What: Snarking, snogging, the things they do best?
When: The Christmas Party
Where: I just SAID the Christmas Party!
Rating: PG-13 for sexual innuendo, language, and driving each other to massive headaches

You're not on my agenda today )

Jun. 20th, 2008



Celebrate Christmas with lots of food, sweets, songs, and presents for all the kids.
Games will be played and prizes all around.

Hosted by Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Draco Malfoy
Number 12 Grimmauld Place, London
December 24, 1989

(owled to all the families the boys are close to...a few days ago!)

May. 9th, 2008


Who: Remus and Sirius
When: Thursday night (late)
Where: some house somewhere on some street in London
What: A talk a long time in the making
Rating: PG-13 for language

Just as long as you're willing to try )

Apr. 24th, 2008


owl to lily and james

James & Lily,

If it isn't any trouble, I'd very much like to speak with you. In person.


Apr. 22nd, 2008


draco sends some owls

[Tired of his 'papa' and 'daddy' being silent, he decides he needs help. Who does he enlist? Why his lovely family of Dora, James, Lily, and Severus. Oh, and Fred cause he's 11 and 'knows stuff'.]

image under here! )

Apr. 21st, 2008


WHO: Remus Lupin & Severus Snape
WHAT: A date. Remus confesses what he is to Severus.
WHERE: Cafe in London

I'm not did you lot put it? A Marauder. )

Apr. 14th, 2008


Who: Sirius, Remus, and Draco (our big happy family!)
When: Sunday, later in the day
What: Someone's awake. There's bonding. Super cute snuggly bonding.

Daddy was sad and Uncle James and Auntie Lily and Uncle Severus and I REALLY missed you )

Apr. 13th, 2008


Who: Sirius Black and Severus Snape
What: Keeping watch over Remus--unfortunately, together
When: Sunday morningish
Rating: PG, surprisingly enough (they were in public)

But while he recovers, the rest of the world cannot stop )


WHO: Draco Malfoy, Ernie, Jean, and Ernest MacMillan
WHAT: Disobedience; comfort
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: MacMillan home
RATING: C for cute?

cross my heart )

Apr. 11th, 2008


WHO: Draco Malfoy & Severus Snape. NPC MacMillan parents.
WHAT: Draco needs comfort...and a bath.
WHEN: A few hours after Remus' attack
WHERE: MacMillan home

don't make me do it, draco. you will not enjoy it. )

Apr. 9th, 2008


An emergency owl post.

[ An owl, sent rather hastily to Sirius Black; Severus does not wish to frighten Draco with a sudden appearance of his Patronus. ]

Black --

St. Mungo's. Remus had a heart attack upon coming out of his last cycle.


[ A second owl, sent to James and Lily Potter; they've little ones too, and Severus doesn't wish to startle them, either. ]

Lily, James --

I'm at St. Mungo's. Remus took a heart attack last night when he---



Apr. 7th, 2008


remus & severus

WHO: Severus Snape & Remus Lupin
WHAT: Remus is sick and Snape is taking care of him.
WHEN: Sunday night
WHERE: Snape's flat
STATUS: Completed

he could get used to this )

Feb. 19th, 2008


Who: Alicia Spinnet and Fred Weasley
What: Supposedly quiet study in the library during their study break.
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Where: The Library, Hogwarts.

Professor Snape scared her a bit at times, but she managed to enjoy it none the less. )

Feb. 17th, 2008


Who: Draco, Sirius, and Remus
What: A VERY tear-filled reunion
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Number 12 Grimmauld Place

He just came and grabbed me and I didn't have time to yell or nothing )

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