Unofficial BLOOD Community [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Unofficial BLOOD Community (band from Osaka)

[ website | Darkest Labyrinth (OHP) ]
[ userinfo | insanejournal userinfo ]
[ archive | journal archive ]

[Links:| Official Homepage Darkest Labyrinth:: Gothic Symphony ]

Welcome Post [Mar. 10th, 2008|11:59 pm]


Welcome to the community for the band BLOOD here on InsaneJournal. Feel free to discuss anything you like about the band. Just please respect the other members and if you have any question please ask me, Morrigan, either by commenting on this entry, via email or through my journal: [info]tamashiinouta. If you have a fansite for BLOOD, please also let me know through a comment on this entry and I'll be glad to add it to the link list.

I do intend to have specific posts isolated for certain things that will be kept in the memories.

Enjoy yourselves!
LinkBy this crimson blood

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