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By Yonder Blessed Moon

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Journeys End in Lovers Meeting [Jan. 26th, 2006|05:28 pm]

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Original poster: scribbulus_ink

Title: Journeys End in Lovers Meeting
By: McKay and Arionrhod
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rated: hard R
Word Count: 24,976
Summary: Serenus (Severus' twin brother) drags Severus to Rome for a book signing by his favorite writer, R.J. Blythe, little realizing he's taking Severus to a date with destiny.
Notes: This is an AU of the [info]snark_n_bark RPG written in response to a challenge: "what if Severus grew up with Serenus and meets Remus for the first time when he goes with Serenus to this meet-the-author-and-get-an-autograph thing. Serenus is a real fanboy, and Severus doesn't care".

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Brotherly Love [Jan. 26th, 2006|05:16 pm]

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Original poster: scribbulus_ink

Title: Brotherly Love
Rated: hard R
Pairing: Severus/Remus/Serenus
Notes: If you don't read [info]snark_n_bark, all you need to know is that Serenus is Snape's twin brother (Severus is the "evil" twin; Serenus is the "good" twin; in true soap fashion, they were separated at birth). This is an AU scene, not meant to reflect what actually happened following the in-game scene.
Warning: incest
Word count: 3,730
Notes: Written as a gift for [info]karasu_hime. It's a little AU ficlet, a present from [info]cocoa_cardigan, [info]ensnared_senses, and [info]serenus_snape.

Brotherly Love )

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