For all your Blaise-worship needs

elfflame posting in For all your Blaise-worship needs
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2008-02-23 07:35
Subject: Fic: Private Showing - Blaise, Padma/Parvati - R
Security: Public
Tags:blaise/padma/parvati, fiction

Title: Private Showing
Author: Elfflame
Person/Pairing: Blaise, Padma/Parvati
Summary: Blaise likes to watch them.
Word Count: 627
Rating: R
Warnings: Incest, teen/teen chan
Author's notes: When I started my chart for [info]50_smutlets, I made a list of pairings (and trios) that I wanted to attempt with my Blaise, and then I made a “dedicated to” list next to that list. Because so many of those pairings were influenced by people I adore. Mostly RP buddies. This one was one of the most obvious to me. [info]ragdoll is the one that got me even thinking about Blaise/Padma, and I love the way she wrote them in one of her pieces.

Oh! death will find me long before I tire of watching you. - Rupert Brooke )

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