July 2016




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Feb. 7th, 2016


Starfleet engineers and anyone else interested- tweaking my podracers to work as manned rovers. Requesting help.

Jan. 17th, 2016


Who wants to watch me kick younger me's ass at podracing? Noon, tomorrow, [location]. Kenobi, I need you to put down that drink and cheerlead for me.

Yes, yes, Sulu, I signed the consent forms. If I die, I won't sue Starfleet.

Jan. 3rd, 2016


Thanks to everyone that came by to watch the twins.


Do arrival anniversaries come with cake like Earth birthdays do? Because I don't have an Earth birthday, but I do have the anniversary.

Dec. 30th, 2015


Who wants to play with toddler Leia and Luke for a few hours? The queue starts here.

Want to guess who saw the new movie and thought his kids were better off without him?

You get only one guess.

Dec. 27th, 2015


Heartfelt thanks to the guy that fished me out. Can't say I expected my droid to fall on my head after falling in the ocean, and it took him a minute to remember he can float while I was trying not to drown.

Poe Dameron, Resistance Pilot. I guess making demands on going back home is out of the question, but maybe if I ask nicely?

General Organa? Someone mentioned your name.

[OOC: AU at his journal - spoilers for a few things. Will likely be spoilers in comments, but I'm going to try to avoid unless he's directly asked!]


Ah, I see it's time for the annual Portal bribery. Good to see that it has the same tricks here.

Oct. 23rd, 2015


Well this is a little trippy. I mean I've heard stories about what the portal could be capable of, but. Damn. And I had a show to do this weekend.

Hi, I'm Luke Naberrie Kenobi. I apologize in advance for my sister.

Aug. 28th, 2015


Hi, I'm Jacen. I don't have much to say, yet. I've just taken in a lot of news and I'm coming to terms with all of it. This is a weird place. And the sensations through the Force... I'm pretty sure I haven't been chewing any lunaweed.

Aug. 19th, 2015


Dear all Star Wars fans: I don't have secret information from Lucas about the new films. But if I did, I would probably try to spoil you so you'd stop asking.