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Dec. 10th, 2014


[ Filtered to the TW!TWD Trio ]

We need a new television.

Nov. 18th, 2014


[ Filtered Away from (her) Isaac ]

I was wondering if one of you could do me a favor? I'd like to get the apartment decorated for Christmas while Isaac's at work and surprise him when he comes home, but while I've mastered being solid enough to do the basics, I have no idea how I'm supposed to get a tree from the store to the apartment on my own. Can someone who has a spare hour or two to kill help me? I can't pay you, but I can offer to haunt your enemies.*

This time of year isn't easy on either of us, so making the apartment look festive and warm and ours is sort of a priority, I guess. There's no rush, so I'd be happy to work with your schedule.

* I won't actually haunt your enemies, sorry.

[ /Filter ]

Does anyone have any use for someone who can walk through walls and be invisible? And by "use", I mean... a job. That pays me. Now that I've gotten better at being corporeal, I'm getting cabin fever.

Thank you in advance!

Nov. 11th, 2014


I had a request, and I want you to all know that I'll respect any answer given. There's no expectations here, and I know the history enough to know this is a long shot.

But I was wondering if Peter would be allowed at thanksgiving dinner. I'm probably crazy to even ask this, but there it is. He's already offered to bring silence and good alcohol.

What kind of pie does everyone like?

[OOC: Top portion crossed out after an hour or so, anyone is welcome to have seen it via Scott's post or before it was deleted!]

Oct. 21st, 2014


[ Filtered to TW TWD + Lydia ]

Good news - my days as Lydia's human pin-cushion are numbered. Her latest vaccine reversed the symptoms of the virus about fifteen minutes after you two left for breakfast.

I guess this means good things for Melissa, as well.

[ /Filter ]

Oct. 20th, 2014


Where's good cheap breakfast on this island? Need a break from Cheerios.

Oct. 16th, 2014


There are always so many people out in New York at any time of the day. It's pretty amazing!

Of course, I'm mostly enjoying the ready availability of food.

[ tw twd ]
I'm going to go get some food and stretch my legs now that I safely can. Peter, you need anything? Or you, Mel?

Oct. 13th, 2014


So. Um. Note to self: scavenging in this world is basically just shoplifting.

I am so, so embarrassed. I promise I'm not a bad person!

Oct. 9th, 2014


If I say I'm sorry about this morning, do I get my stuff back? Still not all that trusting about what's being sold here.

Oct. 8th, 2014


Being clean in clean clothes that actually fit is the most amazing feeling (even if my constant inability to actually stay awake in the shower could be a problem), and I feel like I could sleep for the rest of the week if my brain would shut up a little. I still can't believe we're back here.

[ melissa and peter ]
Any luck on the commandeering of lab space for testing?

Oct. 7th, 2014


About two years too late, Portal. I'm still pissed at you for leaving us there.

They told me my kid is here. Scott?

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