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Dec. 8th, 2013




Huh. Well in terms of strangeness, I've had worse. Second time's the charm?

Nov. 23rd, 2013


I'm going to need better evidence that I'm not still on Neverland than someone telling me I'm in Hawaii. I didn't survive all that time on Pan's island by fully believing in what strange males told me.

Nov. 18th, 2013


George, my girl, I am so damn proud of you. You win the twentieth birthday prankapalooza. Golf claps!

Nov. 15th, 2013


Bloody hell.

Nov. 13th, 2013


I remember reading about alternate realities once, but I never fathomed that I'd be dropped in the Pacific Ocean years in the future, told I was fictional, and given my own mobile all before my first cup of tea. That seems more like something that would happen to Harry or Ron, but, if I'm being honest, one of them would probably forget something important and I'd have to follow them through anyway.

Nov. 9th, 2013


Blimey, the weather report didn't say it was going to be thundering tonight. Anyone else can't sleep?

[ooc; Thor watched the movie. Thor isn't happy. Spoilers, possibly!]

Nov. 5th, 2013


Mindy and Danny need to get their shit together, seriously. This show is killing my soul.

Oct. 30th, 2013


Has anyone ever done tests to see if the portal isn't, in fact, a Weasley twin? Because for fuck's sake.


Bloody hell you'd think I'd be used to that.

Oct. 28th, 2013


What do you say, Harry? I know it's been a few years and you aren't as young as you once were, but maybe you could still catch the Snitch as fast as you did here.

((Ooc; the HP part starts at about 4:10))

Oct. 20th, 2013


As fun as it is to watch my face plot the downfall of a prominent family with a mansion with killer views on ABC, I think I'd rather go to a corn maze tonight. Is anyone interested?It looks like there are some killer ones in Cali, and I can provide transportation if you'd like to go.

Oct. 13th, 2013


Ugh, alright, not trying to be all ~negative or ~harshing the mellow of the people, but this is a bit much. I thought this portal business was a precautionary tale at this point. Neeeerp, I was wrong. But regardless of the utter ridiculousness, there are bigger fish to fry as they say, and I do not mean halibut. First things first, are Caroline Lee or George Weasley afoot? Before anything else, an unexpected trip home definitely constitutes a visit to the parentals.

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