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April 25th, 2015

[info]mrstara in [info]blackpoint

[Filtered to the Bonnie Bennetts and HP Wizards and Angel] Added: Sophie Deveraux

Hi everyone,

It's Willow! You know that. I'm reaching out to you guys because you're the most trusted magic users I know. If you haven't seen our show, my friend Angel is a vampire who was cursed to get his soul back. In our world, vampires don't have souls. His will be lost again whenever he has a moment of true happiness, and obviously that is not at all okay. He deserves happiness year round like the rest of us. We have a spell that successfully does the curse, but we want a permanent solution. A way to stick his soul to himself.

I wanted to know if you'd all be willing to brainstorm with me and Tara. Since you have different types of magic, it's possible you'll be able to do something in this world to help him that we couldn't think of. There was a vampire in our world who managed to get one permanently, but I don't know the spell that was used, so a new solution needs to be found. So please come to the house when you can, we have sweet tea and snacks! Thank you!

[info]prycepaid in [info]blackpoint

[Filtered to Fred Burkle]

I think it's time for us to go on our vacation. I say that having already booked the tickets. We're leaving tomorrow. If that's acceptable to you, Dr. Burkle.

[Filtered to Angel]

I'm taking Fred on a holiday. If you need us, we'll be at [location]. But I say this with all the affection the British are allowed, do not need us.