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November 16th, 2014

[info]enchantine in [info]blackpoint

Sooo I'm not dead! I'm still in Egypt though, obviously, because it'd gotten to that 'unsafe to travel back' point, and have been without the ability to post for a bit.

That said, guess who came into the world about a week ago...

[info]daughterofsnow in [info]blackpoint

I'm in Hawaii for the foreseeable future, with nothing to do. Anyone have any side gigs I can help with?

[info]bitchwolf in [info]blackpoint

Those of you who might want company, I'm heading out to Plymouth on the National Day of Mourning. It's going to be cold, so grab a good jacket. If we have time, I want to go to Unthanksgiving Day on Alcatraz after.

[info]weaslee in [info]blackpoint

I'm starting to feel trapped on this island, and I'm staring to get to the point where if I have to walk through another grain of sand I'm going to scream.

Audrey, Emma, Gigi, Roxy, would either of you like to join me here for a few days? And I know there's countless things to do with work and the holidays, but I'm getting desperate. It'll be my treat.

[info]widowmakers in [info]blackpoint

Anyone have any safe houses in Tuzla? Mine was blown up.

[info]charmprincess in [info]blackpoint

professor remus
Hi! Hello Hi, there.

I wasn't sure if you had any plans for Thanksgiving. It's quite the holiday. I don't actually know what it is but there's allegedly mashed potatoes involved, which I can support.

Anyway. Aurora and Phillip are getting married that day. They've invited pretty much all variations of people they know which includes me. And if you don't have plans and would like to have mashed potatoes, you should come. If you'd like.