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October 15th, 2014

[info]stillydia in [info]blackpoint

Peter, be in my lab first thing tomorrow morning. You'll be staying for at least a few hours so we can test and observe. Momelissa and Ezra, you're both welcome to come with but it'll most likely be boring.

I haven't been a fan of keeping things from you in years (... unless it's for your own good.) (Like that surprise Cabo trip years ago.) I don't know how much she's told you, but the latest mom that came through the portal approached me due to having the outbreak virus in her. It's a reservoir virus in that world, and won't affect her until her immune system is shot by something else - like HIV or inactive Ebola. Or she dies.

I'm not particularly worried about that happening to her here, but I understand the concern and started looking into a vaccine for her. Quietly, because the last thing we need is the media catching wind.

Werewolves seem to have natural immunities - but not instant. They fight it off better than human bodies do, which we've already learned by the fact that it's astoundingly difficult to give you a cold. Still hate you for that. Same principal. The virus, when activated, does exhibit symptoms in werewolves, but provided they're already previously uncompromised (no wolfsbane or silver poisoning), they fight it off in a matter of hours. Ezra, while not a werewolf, seems to exhibit an even stronger immunity. His vasoconstriction and white blood count regeneration is like nothing I've seen since.. Wolverine. Basically. It's very strange comparing Greenberg to Wolverine, let me put that out there.

I'm also probably immune, but as that's a probably... Well, I'm not jumping at the idea of testing on myself (this time, no peanut gallery comments). Anyway, point is, Peter offered himself as guinea pig (Ezra did too), so I'm going to be spending tomorrow sticking him with large needles.

[info]stillsmashing in [info]blackpoint

[ Filtered to BB!Jessica Drew ]

So I was going to ask if you wanted to do something - something with me - for Halloween. And then I remembered that some people have really strong feelings about Halloween. So I guess, let me start by asking you if you like Halloween, and then we'll go from there. If you do, I can assure you that I have All Soul's Day celebrations in the bag, as guilty holidays are kinda my thing.

[ /Filter ]

[info]stilldanno in [info]blackpoint

Thanks for letting me know it was the 30th anniversary of Ghostbusters, AMC. I wasn't feeling old enough yet.

[Steph & Ali]

The weekend after next, I was thinking about heading home for a few days. Interested in getting out of here for a day or two?

[info]alexargent in [info]blackpoint

Hey fellow face-twins, check it out!

I'm only answering to Flash from here on out. You've been notified.