19 August 2007 @ 02:23 am
Theme #5 Announcement  
Since [info]bj_action has found a new home, what better way for us to advertise all this asylum has to offer than by hosting a new challenge?

And since it's always about sex unless it's about death there is clearly only one agency up to this monumental task....

Theme #5: Sex at Kinnetik

Sign ups start now. They end not really at 4am EST on Monday, August 20th.

Fics are due by 5pm EST on Sunday, August 26th, and must be emailed to action . bj @ gmail . com (no spaces) in the correct format. If you are unfamiliar with the rules, you can check them out here in our profile.

So have at it all you wonderfully porny authors. The possibilities are endless, as long as they take place inside Kinnetik.
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xie_xie_xie: A Life/BJ[info]xie_xie_xie on August 19th, 2007 09:11 pm (UTC)
I went to bed before 1 AM, I posted this at 12 something. Honestly!
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