05 December 2009 @ 10:00 am
*Blows the dust of the porn wand*

How about a new theme?

banner by [info]qafmaniac


You can sign up until December 8, 2009
Fics are due to action.bj @gmail. com on December 17, 2009 by midnight (West Coast Time)
Fics will be posted on December 18, 2009

Please use send your fics HTML friendly with this header:

And remember this is a PORN challenge, so hit us with your best!
Current Mood: silly
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eebee!: first time (fisted sheets)[info]eebee on December 7th, 2009 02:09 am (UTC)
I usually do rp on forums, so it's written in first-person, back-and-forth format with someone else helping. lol.

I can pull off drabbles, so this should be just a fun challenge for me. :D
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Ny[info]not_yet_defined on December 7th, 2009 02:12 am (UTC)
oh I see. well good luck with this new format!
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