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Jul. 30th, 2013


December 1

Open to All
Thread within the comments :D
A Gala at the Palace

For The People )

Jul. 16th, 2013


Who: Bianca, Mel and Andrew?
Where Andrew and Mel's house.
What: Pushing the bride to set a date.
When: Afternoon, November 18th.

Bianca was having a busy period. Hell, it had been a busy year as her planning skills, whether gala, ball, or in this case, weddings, started to become sought after throughout the Sidhe. Despite the stress that brought, and the fact she really missed getting to spend any time with her husband for more than a few minutes, she was enjoying her work though. Especially Mel and Andrew's wedding. She had started to consider them friends, which was probably why she was being so bold as to do what she was going to do this afternoon. The happy couple needed to choose a date for their big day, and Bianca intended on getting to the bottom of that today.

"Things are coming together." She smiled happily as she wrote down some more ideas they had been going through. "Now there is just one thing I need to boss you into doing before we can do anything else. The date. Plans are all well and good, but there will be no wedding and no beautiful details if we don't have a day to arrange them for." Bia reminded them with a slightly stern look.

Jun. 28th, 2013


October 10

Andrew and Melisande
Late morning
Looking at dresses, yay?

look at me, I'm made of wonderful )

Jun. 4th, 2013


October 4, 2013

Andrew, Abel and Roxy
The Tavern
Early Afternoon
Cessation of hostilities

Make my mind up, to go though this, or be firm and sit in silence )

Jun. 3rd, 2013


October 3, 2013

Who: Elay and Andrew
What: An interrogation of sorts
When: Afternoon
Where: Aegis HQ

Was it like the CIA? )

May. 23rd, 2013


September 30

Andrew and Kaylee and Open
The Tavern--finally with someone he actually knows

And the words you said tore through my head like bullets from a gun )


September 24

Andrew, Amber, and Audric
Afternoon when Andrew should be working
Audric's establishment of choice, trying on suits and being fitted

Do I have a say, here? )

May. 20th, 2013


September 20

Mel and Andrew
Back Home

Chatting about Amber

You and me, girl. how about it? )

May. 19th, 2013


Sept 20

WHO: Amber and Andrew
WHAT: ...long time no see?
WHEN: Friday, Sept 20
WHERE: The Tavern

Well, uh... I... Hello there? )

May. 17th, 2013


19 September

WHO| Andrew/Mel
WHERE| Alcaeyn Garden
WHEN| Afternoon

Give it time )

May. 15th, 2013


Who: Derek and Open to all of Aegis
When: Late Afternoon Thursday
What: Lunch Break
Where: Aegis

The sun was out, the birds were singing and Derek was ready to bite something. )

May. 6th, 2013


September 14

Melisande, Ryuu, and Andrew
Wyndel/Moreau home, back yard

Is a quiet life so much to ask for? )

Apr. 7th, 2013


July 15

Andrew and Mel
Day 2, take 2
Early Morning
Their Home

Always too much )

Apr. 4th, 2013


July 14

Mel and Andrew
At Home!
Morning (Andrew's favorite!)

And no one's tried to give you what you need )

Mar. 25th, 2013


Mikino Alcaeyn, Shayleiah Alcaeyn, and a ton of others, OPEN to anyone who can get to a Sidhe event
June 29

Shayleiah's birthday Gala and an announcement from Sidonie )

Mar. 8th, 2013


May 13 2013

Sonja and Open.
Inside the Magic Shop
Sonja finds a local magic shop in the city and goes to restock her inventory

A little Magic in the air )

Mar. 4th, 2013


A pun for Mel )

Mar. 3rd, 2013


May 4, 2013

Sidonie && OPEN
Royal Gardens
Late Afternoon

The Royal Gala )


May 1

Melisande, Andrew, Tauryn, and Hailey
Going for a walk near the Alcaeyn gardens

It's always something )

Mar. 1st, 2013


April 15

Abel and Andrew
Abel’s Cell
Early morning
Talking about Abel’s choice

If you really love her )

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