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dani_meows [userpic]
HP drabble: Harry/Neville Celebration

Title: Celebration
Author: dani_meows
Pairing/Characters: Neville Longbottom/Harry Potter
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Written for neville100's prompt# 361: Celebrate.

Neville looked at the sheet of paper in near shock as he remembered all those years of doubt. How he'd absorbed his family's fear that he may be a squib and how he'd believed for a while that he was nothing.

And yet here he was with his two masteries in Herbology and Defense.

Grinning he walked up to the man who'd helped him find the confidence in himself, the man who'd told him that he was worth 12 of Malfoy, and he kissed his husband.

Harry's return kiss told him that his husband was more than up to celebrating.

Current Mood: accomplished
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