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dani_meows [userpic]
From the Diary of Toshiko Sato

Title: From the Diary of Toshiko Sato
Fandom: Torchwood
Character: Toshiko Sato
Pairing:None really. Hints of unrequited Tosh/Owen, just like canon.
Word Count:200
Notes: A canon drabble for the first portion of Everything Changes (episode One), aka from the introduction until everyone leaves for the first day. Written for [info]chromaticvision's drabbleathon: for both the prompts: character study and introduction

I love being appreciated for my intelligence and skills but it would be nice to be appreciated as something more. I'm a woman, with long dark hair and big brown eyes. I've got a sarcastic sense of humor. I'm good with a gun. I've yet to meet a computer, alien or otherwise, that I couldn't hack. )

Current Mood: awake
Current Music: Ludwig van Beethoven - Overture to Egmont
dani_meows [userpic]
20 Sherlock icons

I know you're an army doctor and you've been invalided home from Afghanistan. I know you've got a brother who's worried about you, but you won't go to him for help because you don't approve of him—possibly because he's an alcoholic, more likely because he recently walked out on his wife. And I know that your therapist thinks your limp's psychosomatic, quite correctly I'm afraid. That's enough to be going on with, don't you think? he exits and pops back in. The name's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221b Baker Street. Afternoon. )

dani_meows [userpic]
Sleepy Time Cuddles

Title:Sleepy Time Cuddles
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:221B
Notes: Might not be my best work, I'm exhausted and I just want sleep but I've got to finish this drabble first... written for prompt 53. Pillow Fight.

One minute he was laying in bed annoyed that one of his reservations at the hotel had been canceled due to a computer glitch, and thus he had to share a room with the hyperactive Sherlock, the next minute he was whacking Sherlock in the face with a pillow. )

Current Mood: accomplished
dani_meows [userpic]
Something Missing

Title: Something Missing
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count: 100
Notes: Written for prompt 54: disappearance. Don't panic this will be continued tomorrow. I just didn't have enough time today to write a longer piece...

Sherlock was disoriented, they'd been in a building when the criminal they were after had pressed a button and there had been an explosion of fire and sound. His ears were ringing, he was uninjured and on the ground but something wasn't right.

John! Suddenly, as if just thinking his lover's name was enough to jolt everything in place, Sherlock's mind reoriented itself. John had been a few feet away from him.

Sherlock ignored logic and ran into the burning and partially collapsed building... where John had been was a bunch of debris. John was missing. Where was his lover?

Current Mood: amused
dani_meows [userpic]
Law of the Preservation of Sherlock's Sanity

Title: Law of the Preservation of Sherlock's Sanity
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:400
Notes: Written for prompt 55 law.

John had to still be alive. His lover couldn't be dead. Where would he be without his heart? )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
Envy of the Horse

Title: Envy of the Horse
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count: 221B
Notes: Written for prompt 56. Horse.

I envy the horse a little when I watch the surveillance videos that Mycroft sends me (since John's attack, I need to know that he's safe when he leaves my sight), the horse receives more of John's smiles than I do. )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
John in Wonderland

Title: John In Wonderland
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:221B
Notes: Written for prompt 57. hat. Blame the movie that's playing in the background for this.

Before he finally shared the secret of his favorite movie, I had to swear that I would neither blog it or laugh at him. )

Current Mood: accomplished
dani_meows [userpic]
Moonlit Plans

Title: Moonlit Plans
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:324
Notes: Sorry about the lack of drabble yesterday, I had a really bad migraine, luckily it went away by this afternoon as I had a trig test. Written for prompt 58.) Moonlight

It was almost 10pm. Was John staying over? Didn't he know that after John being kidnapped and strapped to high explosives, he'd prefer to know where John was and his plans. Honestly, for all his talk that Sherlock didn't follow social niceties, John could be bloody inconsiderate sometimes. )

Current Mood: busy
dani_meows [userpic]
Loud as the Hell You Want

Title: Loud as The Hell You Want
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:100
Notes: Unbetaed. Prompt 59.) Scream. Title comes from an Avenue Q Song...

Martha Hudson was delighted that both of her boys had finally gotten together. She'd gotten tired of the pining looks, the awkward flirting, the barely hidden jealousy, and the way they would pretend that they weren't in love with each other.

Yes, she was delighted that that John and Sherlock were finally dating. But did they have to be so loud?

The walls were thin and she could hear every scream of pleasure that they made. John, was apparently quite skilled since Sherlock's "Oh John..." was the most repeated sound.

She just wished they wouldn't drown out the telly.

Current Mood: amused
dani_meows [userpic]

Title: Feline Behaviors
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:200
Notes: Written for prompt 60.) kinky but surprisingly it's not pervy.

John will never tell Sherlock that he once had a cat that exhibited similar behaviors )

Current Mood: drained
dani_meows [userpic]

Title: Pajamas
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:100
Notes: Dead tired. Hope I spelled the words correctly. Unbetaed. I'd like to thank everyone that's added this story and reviewed! Comments are appreciated even when I lack time to reply back!

even though his flatmate was absorbed in case, he might notice if John walked to the kitchen in the nude, and all of his other pajama pants were in the hamper. )

Current Mood: horny
dani_meows [userpic]
Any Objections?

Title:Any Objections?
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:221B
Notes:Unbetaed. Written for prompt 62.) priest

I tried not to hate her. I couldn't do it. She wasn't worthy of my John. I hadn't been able to find anything that I could prove but I was certain that she didn't love my John as dearly as I did. No one could. )

Current Mood: groggy
dani_meows [userpic]
Purple Elephants on Parade

Title: Purple Elephants On Parade
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:221B
Notes: I blame Dumbo for the fact that I get dancing elephants when I have a high fever... I had to inflict it on poor John. Prompt is Firelight. Tomorrow will be a continuation of this I think. I'm never certain until I open the blank document and start typing.

Three Sherlocks appeared before him, John wondered if he could strangle the right one or if he'd hit the ones that weren't there. )

Current Mood: tired
dani_meows [userpic]
Without a Map

Title: Without a Map
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:221B
Notes: Continued from yesterday's drabble: Purple Elephants On Parade. Written for Prompt 64.) Map.

John was seriously ill, in the should be in the hospital (but it was to dangerous with the people that were trying to kill them still at large) illness range. )

Current Mood: gloomy
dani_meows [userpic]
In the Park

Title: In the Park
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:221B
Notes: Continued from the previous two drabbles, written for prompt 65.) toys.

John and Sherlock weren't young children in the park, laughing together and playing on the swings. He'd never had friends as a child and both Sherlock and John were grown up now and John was... )

Current Mood: blank
dani_meows [userpic]
Sherlock's Whole Existence

Title: Sherlock's Whole Existence
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count: 300
Notes: Apparently I had one more drabble left in me for this arc...

Mycroft knew better than to try and get Sherlock's mind refocused on the case. No, when it came to John Watson, there were things more important than the case to Sherlock, and his brother wouldn't leave the man for anything, right now. )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
No Good, Very Bad, Day

Title:No Good, Very Bad, Day
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:300
Notes: Sorry Sherlock but I've had an awful day and John's suffered to much recently so it's your turn! Written for prompt 67.) Tattoo.

However, when he'd reached into his pocket for his phone to call his ride, so that he could go back to the hotel and make arrangements to go home, his faithful phone was not where it belonged. )

Current Mood: artistic
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