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Back August 16th, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
On the Destruction of Walls

Title: On the Destruction of Walls
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count: 100
Notes: Unbetaed. Prompt 20- Erection

 His walls were crashing down around him. The walls that he'd erected as a child to keep the insults of others from hurting him. The walls that prevented him from caring, that enabled him to behave like a high functioning sociopath, they were crashing down

Only for John. His friend. The first person in his life that hadn't been obligated to like him for another reason, but liked him anyways.

For John, he could smile, laugh, cry, and feel no shame in allowing him to see his inner emotions and thoughts. After all, he loved John and John loved him.

Current Mood: drained
dani_meows [userpic]
Without his Shadow

Title: Without his Shadow
Fandom:Sherlock BBC
Word Count:100
Notes: Sorry about the lack of fic yesterday. There was a death in the family.   Unbetaed, written for prompt 21: shadows.

Being alone was something he had been used to until the day that he'd met John Watson. After that with John living with him, understanding him, solving cases with him, he never felt alone.

That was one of the hardest things about his current mission, the hardest being the knowledge of what his death was doing to his John, but one of the hardest was how alone he felt.

He was in the shadows taking down Moriarty's network in order to protect his heart, hearth and home but he was without his shadow.

Current Mood: drained
Back August 16th, 2011 Forward