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Back April 6th, 2011 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
Icon batch for [info]chromaticvision: Star Trek TOS (Sulu and Uhura, mostly Sulu)

Note: Only 25 today! I hope to do some more Uhura icons tomorrow but we'll see.

Total Icon Count: 25


My inner 13 year old was out )

dani_meows [userpic]
50: HP icons (Cho Chang, Parvati and Padma Patil)

Usual blurb and rules apply. Also the cake is a lie.

Fifty icons today: mostly from GOF, One set of icons is from a cute still of Luna and Cho from the fifth film. I wish I lived up North, I want their woolen hats. (do they have a name?)

Total Icon Count: 50


Icons Here! )

Current Mood: accomplished
Back April 6th, 2011 Forward