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Back December 1st, 2010 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
Drabble: Off-key (Sanctuary: Will/Henry)

Title: Off-Key
Rating:Not Porn
Word count:100

“Please have snow and mistletoe,” Will's off-key singing, echoed through the corridor. It was not pleasing to Henry or Big Guy's extremely sensitive hearing. On the other hand, after the way he'd been for the first first month following his death and resuscitation, it was nice to hear him happy.

Henry walked up to him and they exchanged greetings. As always, Will's smile gave him butterflies in his stomach. The man was beautiful when he smiled. And his scent, when he was happy? Will was perfection.

Laughing, he joined Will in caroling and readying the Sanctuary for the holidays.

dani_meows [userpic]
Drabble: Merry Christmas, Captain (Star Trek Reboot)

Title: Merry Christmas, Captain
Fandom:Star Trek
Rating:Not Porn
Word count:200

If wishing wasn't illogical, Spock would wish that he was anywhere but on the Enterprise, during the Christmas season. Even crew members who weren't normally illogical and overemotional were brimming with emotion and joy, and those crew members who were normally emotive were the worst of all they were overflowing with emotion. It was more than a Vulcan should be expected to stand. And if Doctor McCoy called him an elf one more time... he'd be tempted to give the man an emotional response or two.

The one exception to the rule was his captain. Jim was not happy. He was faking it for the crew but Spock knew the difference between his real smile and the fake one. (One of them gave him a series of curious sensations and forced him to mediate for longer, and the other made him do even more illogical things.)

One of those illogical things was what he was doing now. He'd entered his captain's quarters while the man was eating dinner and hung a sprig of mistletoe near the door.

The door opened, Spock pounced. He kissed the man soundly.

“Spock,” the blue eyed man breathed.

“Merry Christmas, Captain,” Spock said.

Current Mood: exhausted
Back December 1st, 2010 Forward