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Back September 4th, 2010 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
20 Molly Weasley icons

Please remember the rules of comment, credit, and where to find my resource post

art used in: motion, tears, and the AC's is by Makani @ Accio Brain


Molly Wobbles )

Current Mood: bouncy
dani_meows [userpic]
20 LOTR icons

20 Lord of the Rings Icons made for drama20in20 round 2 on LJ. I made these in about 9 hours wee! :-D I now want to rewatch my favorite movies. :-D

Please remember the rules of comment, credit, and where to find my resource post.


Drama 20 in 20 claim Lord of the Rings )

dani_meows [userpic]
Sanctuary scifi100 alpha table batch 1: 40/100


Please remember the rules of comment, credit, and where to find my resource post.
Sanctuary for All )

Back September 4th, 2010 Forward