Dani's icon and fanfiction gallery
Back August 25th, 2010 Forward
dani_meows [userpic]
Introductory post is introductory

Introductory Post: AKA Who the hell is Dani anyway?

Hello! I'm Dani (or Danielle) or Hey you antisocial nut job! I'm 26 years old. I live in Florida with my husband and two cats. I adore them to pieces. I'm unemployed and I have a lot of free time on my hands which I've been dedicating to icon making lately. I love to write as well. I also love to talk but then again, you probably don't care about my biography. So let's get on with the important stuff.

Fandoms I love now at this very moment:

  • Harry Potter

  • Doctor Who

  • Alice in Wonderland

  • Star Trek (I've seen seasons one and two of TOS and I love it. I loved the movie as well but not as much)

  • Sanctuary

  • Labyrinth

Fandoms I loved in the past and still like: (and therefore might make icons or post older fics about)

  • Kingdom Hearts

  • Yugioh

  • Sailor Moon

Fandoms I loved once but now hate and refuse to have anything to do with:

  • Twilight.

Now onto pairings: yes?
Harry Potter:
I love all pairings except for Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione. My OTP's or favorite pairings are: Harry/Severus, Harry/Draco, Harry/Luna, Harry/Hermione, Harry/Neville.

Doctor Who:

Doctor/Rose, Rose/Martha, Rose/Donna, Rose/Jack, Mickey/Jake, Jackie/Pete.

Alice in Wonderland:

Star Trek:

Kirk/Spock, McCoy/Uhara, Chekov/Sulu


I adore everyone! Save for Ashley/Helen, I ship everything. :-D I guess if I had to list a few favorites: Helen/John, Will/Helen, Will/John, Will/Watson, Will/Henry, Henry/Ashley, John/Watson.


Kingdom Hearts:
Sora/Riku, Sora/Riku/Kairi


Mai/Joey, Joey/Yugi, Mai/Serenity

Sailor Moon:

I think that's everything but if you want to know anything else just ask!

Current Mood: cheerful
dani_meows [userpic]
Icons:Doctor Who icons for fandom365

Claim: Doctor Who: Doctor/Rose Tyler (big suprise eh?)

100 icons in 365 days.  )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
icons: Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone for fandom365

Movie One: they were all so tiny )

Current Mood: accomplished
dani_meows [userpic]
icons:Sanctuary season one icons for fandom 365

Table Two: Sanctuary Season One

Enter the Sanctuary )

Current Mood: accomplished
dani_meows [userpic]
icons:Sanctuary/DW crossover icons for Sanctuary20in20


1.) If you like them, please let me know.
2.)take them, use them and enjoy. Credit dani_meows if it pleases you.
3.) Resources used are credited here


20 icons )

Current Mood: accomplished
dani_meows [userpic]
icons:Doctor Who (Doctor/Rose icons)


1.) If you like them, please let me know.
2.)take them, use them and enjoy. Credit dani_meows if it pleases you.
3.) Resources used are credited here


Doctor/Rose set )

Current Mood: tired
dani_meows [userpic]
icons:Doctor Who Season One icons for [info]dailyicons

20 Doctor Who icons for Season One made for [info]dailyicons round three


1.) If you like them, please let me know.
2.)take them, use them and enjoy. Credit dani_meows if it pleases you.
3.) Resources used are credited here



20 season one icons plus four variants )

Current Mood: nerdy
dani_meows [userpic]
icons:Doctor Who 20 in 20 round 11 season two

Icons for doctor who 20 in 20 on LJ :-)

Table ganked and altered from [info]immortalje from her community [info]dailyicons Thanks!


One Two Three


1.) If you like them, please let me know.
2.)take them, use them and enjoy. Credit dani_meows if it pleases you.
3.) Resources post coming soon. I'll post a link when it's ready. (You really need to stop procrastinating Dani and get to it)

If I believe in one thing, just one, I believe in her. )

Current Mood: Caffeinated up to my eyeballs
dani_meows [userpic]
Icons: Doctor Who: 20 Mickey and Martha icons

I made these icons because [info]bridgetmkennitt mentioned that no one had self recced at [info]chromaticvision so I made these so that I could rec myself. :-D I made them in about an hour woo!

Preview table:



1.) If you like them, please let me know.
2.)take them, use them and enjoy. Credit dani_meows if it pleases you.
3.) Resources post coming soon. I'll post a link when it's ready.

20 Mickey and Martha icons from Doctor Who )

Current Mood: Caffeinated up to my eyeballs
dani_meows [userpic]
icons:Doctor Who icons for fandom20in20 round one

20 icons for [info]dailyicons claim Doctor/Rose from Doctor Who.

Get your pretties here )

Current Mood: bouncy
dani_meows [userpic]
icons: Doctor Who general series icons for scifi100

Topic: Doctor Who
Subject: General (both new and classic)
Theme Set: Beta
Batch: #1
Icons Made: 115/100 for Scifi100 on LJ

Lots and lots of icons )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
icons: Doctor Who:general series for scifi100

Topic: Doctor Who
Subject: General (both new and classic)
Theme Set: Alpha
Batch: #1
Icons Made: 100/100 for Scifi100 on LJ


Crazy, I was crazy once... )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
Icons: Doctor Who: Rose Tyler icons for icons100 (40/100)

Subject: Doctor Who: Rose Tyler
Batch: 1-40
Additonal Notes: Made for [info]icons100 on LJ. There will be more coming soon. Please remember the rules of comment, credit, and where to find my resource post.

001 002 003

40/100 Rose Tyler icons )

Current Mood: artistic
dani_meows [userpic]
Icons: Sanctuary season one beta table

Topic: Sanctuary
Subject: Season One
Theme Set: Beta
Batch: #2
Icons Made: 120/100
Note: I have a few more variants that I'll be posting in the next few days. :-D but I'm tired for now.



100 icons plus 20 variations )

Current Mood: awake
dani_meows [userpic]
Icons: Sanctuary season one alpha table batch one

Topic: Sanctuary
Subject: Season One
Theme Set: Alpha
Batch: #1
Icons Made: 25/100


1.) If you like them, please let me know.
2.)take them, use them and enjoy. Credit dani_meows if it pleases you.
3.) Resources used are credited here



Sanctuary Season One: Table Alpha Batch One )

Current Mood: indescribable
dani_meows [userpic]
Icons: Alice in Wonderland 2010 Alice/Hatter 20 in 20



1.)If you like them, leave a comment and take them. You don't have to remember to credit Dani_Meows or anything just please don't claim them as yours? I worked really hard on these and it'd really hurt if you claimed them as yours

Credits: I made the screen shots but a resources post for my textures, brushes and other goodies will be coming soon. :-P

Fall through the rabbit hole )

Current Mood: artistic
dani_meows [userpic]
icons:Billie Piper for fandom365

100 icons in 365 days can I do it?  )

Current Mood: amused
Back August 25th, 2010 Forward