Aug. 4th, 2008


(Ficlet) - Different - Bijou (Onyx/Opal/Jet) - PG

Repost from the takoyaoi_love comm. :)


Title: Different
Author/Artist: White Aster
Rating: PG
Warnings: ...tentacles?
Word count: ~420
Summary: Jaiven isn't going to let tentacles get in the way of a good thing.
Prompt: Bijou, Onyx/Opal/Jet, "I don't know! He just came up from diving like that!"

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Jul. 12th, 2007


Happy (belated) Birthday Laylah!

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]prozac_pixie)

Better late than never, I guess ^_^; Aaaand it's not brilliant but it's the thought that counts, yus?

Anyway, happy birthday and thanks for all the porn and for creating the bijou ^_^ Not worksafe but not explicit.

Jasper and Opal )
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