Aug. 4th, 2008


(Ficlet) - Different - Bijou (Onyx/Opal/Jet) - PG

Repost from the takoyaoi_love comm. :)


Title: Different
Author/Artist: White Aster
Rating: PG
Warnings: ...tentacles?
Word count: ~420
Summary: Jaiven isn't going to let tentacles get in the way of a good thing.
Prompt: Bijou, Onyx/Opal/Jet, "I don't know! He just came up from diving like that!"

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Jul. 18th, 2006


Fanarts è_é/

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)


Ownership - Onyx/Cobalt/Jade )
'Proud of yourself, little bitch?' - Capt. Westfall/Cobalt )

Thanks for your attention ♥

Jul. 7th, 2006


Fic, In the Meantime, Onyx/Jasper

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mousapelli)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, [info]laylah!!!!! I'm a little early, but I had to sneak this in while I was home for a day from the beach.

It's, uh, the traditional jr high school AU of the Bijou. which is to say, a random crossover between the Bijou and Aim for the Sky! and probably will only entertain you and me, but there is porn!~ because you are awesome and of the hot and answer all my stupid KH questions and write me TACHIKI OF THE GODS.

Title: In the Meantime [Onyx/Jasper]
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 for boysex and improper use of griptape (wait, that was one of my themes...)
Summary: Onyx's stamina needs work and Jasper is basically helping out not at all.
AN: Bijou/Aim for the Sky! crossover (the sheer ridiculousness of that is your real present, I think, [info]laylah), the only thing that might be relevant is that the senpai/kouhai relationships are in terms of the order they joined the Bijou, not ages. Er, I think.

( In the Meantime [Onyx/Jasper, NC-17] )
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