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Big Brother fandom help needed! [Jan. 19th, 2009|03:22 pm]
The Big Brother article on Fan History Wiki needs your help! The article is supposed to give a history of the fandom. At the moment, it isn't doing that very well. It only has very basic information. It needs more. Whatever information you can add, from a date added on the timeline to a fandom specific term to how big a fansite or community is, that would be really great!
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FRIENDS ONLY [Feb. 7th, 2008|08:48 am]
This community is to discuss the latest gossip, post icons, pictures, graphics, quizzes, polls, opinions, and ask questions. If you're a fan, you're welcome to join, but please be respectful to all members of the community. Insulting members is not acceptable. If you don't like big brother, do not bother to join this community. YOU MUST BE ACTIVE ! Put pictures and spoilers behind an lj cut. Do not spam your community here. This has been on my last nerve lately and you will be banned ! Do not post icons that you did not make. If you're a fan please join & promote!
IMPORTANT: make all entries friends only or they will be deleted.
Any questions, feel free to ask !
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