Beyond The Darkness RPG

Recent Entries

August 2nd, 2008

RP: Walking and Catching Up

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Date: August 2, 2006
Characters: Penelope Clearwater, Molly Weasley, Fred Weasley, Katie Weasley (Bell)
Location: The Cottage and Elsewhere in Hogsmeade
Private/Public: Semi-Public
Rating: PG
Warnings: None so far
Summary: Penny and Molly accompany family on a walk
Completion: Incomplete

Saturday Afternoon with Family )

June 13th, 2008

"Nobody Move..."

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Date: June 14, 2006 (pre-dated) around 2pm
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Arthur Weasley (NPC), Bill Weasley (NPC), Fleur Delacour-Weasley (NPC), Lucas Weasley (NPC), Charlotte Weasley (NPC), Charlie Weasley (NPC), Penelope Clearwater, Molly Weasley (NPC), Percy Weasley (?), Fred Weasley, Katie Weasley, George Weasley (NPC), Parvati Patil, Ron Weasley (NPC), Hermione Granger (NPC), Harry Potter, Aberforth Dumbledore (NPC), Remus Lupin, Dora Lupin, Cormac McLaggen, Colin Creevey, Emma McLaggen (NPC), Seamus Finnigan, Luna Lovegood, Anthony Goldstein (NPC), Megan Jones (NPC), Kevin Entwhistle (NPC) (Please add your tag once your character arrives. Thank you.)
Location: Longbottom House (Yorkshire)
Private/Public?: Semi-Public
Rating: PG (if different, please include in the subject line of your thread. Thank you.)
Warnings: Surprises (good ones though)
Summary: Ginny and Neville’s engagement party!

...this is perfect.. )

Lyrics in the title & cut from ‘Perfect’ by Danny Michel

May 28th, 2008

It's that time

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Date: May 28, 2006
Characters: Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Arthur Weasley, George Weasley, Parvati Patil, Fred Weasley, Katie Weasley, Charlie Weasley (NPC), Penelope Clearwater, Molly Weasley (NPC), Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour-Weasley, Charlotte Weasley, Lucas Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Percy Weasley (NPC), Harry Potter, Cormac McLaggen, Colin Creevey, Emma McLaggen (NPC), Seamus Finnigan, Anthony Goldstein, Remus and Dora Lupin, Luna Lovegood, Aberforth Dumbledore (NPC)
Location: 7 Oddington
Private/Public: Semi-Public
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Neville and Ginny send out the invites to a special party
Completion: Incomplete (feel free to RSVP or react here)

A small gathering with surprises in store )

May 22nd, 2008

RP: Tagging owls

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Date: May 22, 2006
Characters: Theo, Penny
Location: The animal clinic in Hogsmeade
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Theo goes to get his and Padma's owls tagged.

Read more... )

May 19th, 2008

OWL: Theo to Penny

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Date: May 19, 2006
Characters: Theodore, Penny
Location: The sky
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Theo gets to the business of tagging his owl – well one of the two.

To Penny )

May 14th, 2008

OWL: Dolores to Penelope

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Date: May 14, 2006
Characters: Umbridge, Penelope
Location: Their homes
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Umbridge requires people, and she intends on getting them.

To Penelope )

February 13th, 2008

RP: To Grandmother's House we go

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Date: February 13, 2006
Characters: Penelope Clearwater, Molly Weasley
Location: The Cottage
Private/Public?: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Penny gets herself and her daughter ready for an extended visit with the Grandparents, with an owl to Charlie saying that they’re going for a visit.
Complete?: Complete

They won’t want to let you leave pumpkin )

February 7th, 2008

RP: Off to Market

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Date: February 7, 2006
Characters: Penelope Clearwater, Molly Weasley (NPC), Ernie MacMillan and Neville Longbottom (at some point later on)
Location: Ernie's shop in town
Private/Public: Semi-public
Rating: PG
Warnings: None as far as I know
Summary: Penny needs to stock up the pantry and ice box so she goes shopping at Ernie's store, Neville also has a proposition for Ernie (later on)

I should've made a list! )
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