Beyond The Darkness RPG

Recent Entries

September 5th, 2008

RP: A Place Of Meaning

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Date: 5 September 2006 (early morning, just before dawn)
Characters: Rodolphus Lestrange and diverse others (let me know and I'll add them)
Location: Godric's Hollow
Private/Public: Public
Rating: Oh, let's say R for now
Warnings: Violence, fighting (more to be added)
Summary: Rodolphus stops foxing and bluffing and shows that he might be minus an arm but he's not out for the count.
Completion: Incomplete

Overkill? Perhaps. Bait? Definitely )

June 21st, 2008

RP: People Need Healing

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Date: 21 June 2006
Characters: NPC Healers, Injured Aurors/Order/Other Light Warriors (add your tags)
Location: The Shack
Private/Public: Very public.
Rating: most likely R and beyond
Warnings: look to the headers for a warning
Summary: The Shack is short-staffed but doing their best to save everyone who can be saved.

Here We Go Again )

June 20th, 2008

RP: Battle over ancient stones

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Date: Dawn, 21 June 2006 (the start of the northern summer solstice) Predated due to availability
Characters: Rodolphus, Bella. Any Death Eaters, Any Aurors. Various Muggles. Add your own tag
Location: Stonehenge, Salisbury Plains, Wessex (Wiltshire, if you're a Muggle)
Private/Public: Very public.
Rating: most likely R and beyond
Warnings: look to the headers for a warning
Summary: Rodolphus wants to rid the world of the Filth that dares to think it can desecrate the most magical of sacred sites.

Cleansing Rituals )

April 19th, 2008

RP: The Battle of Upper Slaughter

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Date: April 19, 2006
Characters: Order, Aurors, Death Eaters – add your tags
Location: The fields outside Upper Slaughter
Private/Public: Public
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Battle - with everything that might entail (put individual warnings on thread-headings)
Summary: Finally it's time to bring the fight to the Death Eaters

Get ready, set, go )
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