Beyond The Darkness RPG

February 20th, 2008

February 20th, 2008

OWL: Bones to Bletchley REPORT: Murder Investigation findings

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Date: 19 February 2006
Characters: Susan Bones, Miles Bletchley
Location: Auror Office
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: -
Summary: Susan writes up her final report for Rosmerta's case.

Reports, owls and forensics, oh my! )

OWL: Miles to Millicent

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Date: 19 February 2006
Characters: Miles, Millicent
Location: Bletchley Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: -
Summary: Miles doesn't want to handle Rosmerta's funeral arrangements

I'm too busy with my own problems to handle this )

OWLS: Terry to Severus, Terry to Lettie

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Date: 20 February 2006
Characters: Terry Boot, Scarlett Capper, Severus Snape
Location: The Skies
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Terry owls Severus to see about Legilmancy, and then Lettie to set up an appointment

To Severus )

To Ms. Capper )

RP: How did you get him out exactly?

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Date: 20 February 2006
Characters: Percy, Adrian
Location: Aurors office
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Percy wants to find out about Stephen's rescue and tell Adrian about helping Terry
Completion: InComplete

How did you get him out exactly? )

RP: Where the heart is

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Date: 20 February 2006
Characters: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
Location: Home
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG-13ish?
Warnings: None
Summary: Hermione comes home, finally.

They say that coming home again is nothing but sweet bliss. )

OWL: Millicent to Pansy

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Date: February 20, 2006
Characters: Millicent, Pansy
Location: Their homes
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Millicent tries to arrange a funeral

To Pansy )
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