The Best Deadly Sin [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

Bad news [Aug. 15th, 2011|03:00 am]

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With her arm in a sling and a filled prescription in her pocket, Riza went to the Best Deadly Sin to cut a potential explosion off at the pass, or set it off early before it could get to its full potential.

Either that, or Greed's bar would go up in an impressive light show, fueled by all the liquor on the site.

She walked in, careful not to let anyone bump her bad arm, and took a seat at the bar to wait for Roy to have a free moment.
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Early bird hours [Jun. 9th, 2011|01:31 am]

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The Sin hadn't been open long, just a little over an hour, and the bar was mostly empty. That was normal; it usually picked up closer to dinnertime, and kept snowballing until the nightclub was in full swing until last call.

Greed was behind the bar, tending to the random drink order here and there before Roy took over for the rest of the evening. He could hear sounds of pans clattering in the kitchen as Odd clocked in and started gathering up his supplies to prepare the night's menu.
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Roy Meets Roy [May. 23rd, 2011|11:31 pm]

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Delilah arrived for work, with Leah in tow as usual, but this time, she brought along a newcomer.

"Roy?" she asked as she approached the bar, beckoning for the alternate to follow. "Do you know of any Edwards who might have passed through or arrived recently, looking to be in his late teens or early twenties?"
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Not quite where he was aiming, but... whatever works [Apr. 9th, 2011|01:19 pm]

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Well. Alfons wasn't entirely certain what to think. On one hand, he didn't do anything, he had simply been walking along the streets of London mulling over his predicament and attempting to figure out how to get around the fact that while he was finally understanding Hohenheim's research on getting to Amestris, it was focused on alchemy. Which he couldn't do.

On the other hand, this clearly was not London, and the more he looked, the more he saw that made him think that it wasn't even Earth anymore.

Maybe somehow he did stumble on Amestris. Well, as long as he was away from Earth, it didn't matter quite so much. There was the chance he'd found a worse sort of hell than Earth was becoming, but if that were the case, he would deal with it when it happened.

Of course, the further he walked, the less convinced he was it was Amestris, from the information Edward had given him. Uncertain of his next move, he decided to find a place for a drink so he could go over the papers in his suitcase and figure out maybe what to do next.

The building was clearly a pub of some sort, and despite the name, the several people he caught sight of as they entered and departed looked respectable enough. Alfons tentatively pushed open the door to The Best Deadly Sin, and walked through the partially empty establishment, past tables of dining patrons, to the bar and set the suitcase at his feet as he sat down.

"Pint of beer, bitte?" Then he caught himself, and corrected it to "please?"
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