July 28th, 2010

[info]sultana in [info]bellumletale

Posted by 204

[During this]

I need a doctor in 205. Vampire attacks and blood loss and shit and really, can you just get down here before Sherri goes and passes out?

[info]n0blesse_0blige in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 401


You were right.

That sucked.

Any chance I could talk to you when you have a moment?

[info]blue_blooded in [info]bellumletale

[ Locked to P3 ]

[ Sent in the afternoon after the full moon]


Normally I'd realize that such questions would be completely personal and outrageously rude to consider even asking, but I've never been very good with delicate matters.

In your moonlighting as a vampire, or in anyone else's transformation into less savory characters, has there ever been any accidents, or rather, incidents, of the fatal nature?

And consequently, do you have any suggestions regarding bloodstain removal on carpets or are you careful about that sort of thing?