March 22nd, 2010

[info]redhorse_tea in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 706, 202, 206

[Private to 206]
I have suspicion of rudeness to you during the yesterday. This was not intended. Perhaps you come by for tea and cookie? I bake to relieve stress. I baked during the strange times it is seeming.

[Private to 202]
Is possible there was the poor behavior during the yesterday from me. I am sorry did not mean bad behavior. I can make this up to you somehow?

[Private to 706]
Is bad luck to play with the dead bodies. Your tea, it deserves better man

[info]vasilissa in [info]bellumletale

Private Message

To: 802
From: 1203B

Sorry to bail on you while you were still asleep, but I went to the Dr. Needed stitches for my neck, but my wrist will be okay if I keep it wrapped and keep icing it. It doesn't look fractured or anything.

[info]acatalyst in [info]bellumletale


[Locked to 706]

So, bastard, Holmes?

[info]wickedwicker in [info]bellumletale

A Note For Dr. Holtz, Slipped Under His Door

'Sorry' is the uncreative way to say 'I'm a bitch' )

[info]themegazord in [info]bellumletale



[info]sentinelstar in [info]bellumletale

Considering that I'm mostly in my right mind, I figured checking in on the rest of you would be appropriate. Those of you who experienced the madness yesterday - are we as a whole feeling more sure of ourselves?

As in who we actually are. I don't even know who this Javert is

I'd also like to issue a warning - there is a vandal in the building, someone who broke and entered into my apartment yesterday. This same person, I believe, attacked others in the halls.

That said - is there a doctor in the building? Or at least someone with some semblance of medical training.

[info]nylonghorn in [info]bellumletale

Locked 307/Locked P3

Locked to 307

Hi, I'm Peter Kelly. I don't think we've been introduced...properly. Whatever that means

Locked to P3

I must be completely insane.

Are you at home?

[info]acatalyst in [info]bellumletale



Coño If you're injured, go to the damned hospital.

[info]shebringscurses in [info]bellumletale

[ private to P3 ]

What happened yesterday got me thinking about those rumors that follow you, Mr. Penthouse.

Tell me, Vlad, did you do anything perfectly horrible?

[info]oscardelta in [info]bellumletale


been reading some of the stuff that hapened in the crazy

if anyone wants self-defense lessons especially you girls, im in 107

[info]beaute_endormie in [info]bellumletale

Locked to R1, P3, 1007, 905

[All separate threads]

My dress changed back Are you all back to normal then?

[info]vasilissa in [info]bellumletale

Private Message

To: 504
From: 1203B

Checking in to make sure you're okay. How was your storytime Saturday, Daisy?

[info]nineteen_stars in [info]bellumletale

Can't say I've ever been in a place that provides you with a computer upon moving in. Not that I'm complaining but it's a little strange, you know?

So you all use this thing regularly? I can see how it'd be handy, but I don't know half of what these buttons and things even do!

So, I guess I'm new around here? Just moved in today, so I'm still not sure what to think of it all. My name's Isobel and I'm calling nine oh six home for now. We'll see how long this lasts.




[info]never_old in [info]bellumletale

Locked to D1 & 1202A

I think I want to go back to the hospital.

[info]7with1blow in [info]bellumletale

Good evening, everyone. I'm pretending ya'll aren't all fucking insane. It's a shame pleasure to meet you. I'm Specialist Winslow McAlister, the building maintenance manager. And I'm all-fuckin'-ready to move.

Don't Feel free to let me know if there's anything in your unit or the building that needs work -- you can stop by my apartment (#205) or message me privately. I understand the elevator has been a little iffy but that's a whole 'nother kind of specialist so I can't help with that. (Sorry.)

If you could kindly include your name and unit number in your response, that would help me start to remember all of you. And then avoid you.

I have to beg forgiveness from my new neighbors on the second floor: my cat is particularly fond of certain guitar cords and takes to yowling along when I'm jamming by myself. I'll try to keep the racket down.

[info]lily_like_girl in [info]bellumletale

Locked to #1104A & B

i feel fucking awful my head hurts and my arms hrt and my neck hurts and i dn't even ruemeber the party I went to! Did I get intoa fight wth Vlad? B/ce I think I'ma mad at him.

ps ifa I dn't writew back i took a bunch of vlalium i found im my luggage. CRHSTRIS i'm sore.

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

anonymous feedback post

Welcome to the Bellum Letale anonymous feedback post. Please feel free to post with any questions or comments you have in relation to your experiences as a tenant in the building. Tenants are asked to respond anonymously to encourage honesty. Thank you for your time!

[info]nobleblood in [info]bellumletale

[locked to 1104B]

Are you alright

Peter told me you would live, which is

I wish I knew what to say

Can you ever

I realize that I am likely the last person in the world you want to hear from right now, but  I never meant to hurt you I wanted to make sure you were alive alright.

And Kiki as well.

[info]lionlike in [info]bellumletale

Wow. Was this a bad time to move in?

Either I got the short end of the stick here, or this is a huge group roleplaying thing. Vampire Masquerades or something, right?

[info]wolfishane in [info]bellumletale

phone call to 1007

{ After this. }

Ring ring ring.

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

Delivered to 802. )

[info]wolfishane in [info]bellumletale

locked to 802

I don't know how to It can't be

I think I owe you an apology.

[info]vasilissa in [info]bellumletale

Locked to P3

I should call the cops

I have your DNA you know. I've seen CSI.

So if I explain myself, could you explain why you tried to rip my throat out?